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About TheSnowman

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    North Cumberland, RI KCNM - CN Mountain

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  1. Where the heck do you live Ray? You live but 50 minutes from me, and I’ve seen 31” of Snow Total, in 2 FULL SEASONS. I haven’t seen Even a 10” snowstorm since January 2022!! Almost 3 Years! If I don’t see an ACTUAL full on 20” Storm this year I’m going to Absolutely go F-ing Ape S***. And of course like every year, I’ll be in LA January 19-February 4th for NAMM & Grammys. So you might as well book a storm somewhere inside of that time frame.
  2. Do we have ANYONE on the boards that was in the middle of that famous Squall??
  3. Must have switched over 2 hours ago! 0.5" and Wet, meaning it's going through Hell to accumulate. Will head to bed for 5.5 Hours.
  4. This Better be Rain all around. I was Home from freaking February 7th ALL THE WAY through March 29th. Saw ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Peanut Butter Jelly Time.
  5. I just left for LA for 2 weeks, but have a Major Concert in the 4th. So couldn’t be back until the 5th. Storm % just went Way Up. The Snowman is away. Just like Blizzard of 2022, Blizzard of 2011, February 2017 and March 2018.
  6. 4.5" pER HOUR!?!? That's FREAKING HISTORIC!!!! You got that in THIS Storm? I can't believe it. 33" Max for some??
  7. These Maps are AWESOME!! As bad as the Winter is, it's So great to see all of it. So much great data. HOW are you creating these maps?
  8. Can someone explain how it can Rain in Boston but Snow Well to its SOUTHEAST? Is it just the Boundary Layer matching the coast line? This is absolutely nuts.
  9. I said 7 things. You choose to pick 1 that wasn’t even specifically that. And you get 7 Likes for pointing out a falsehood. Wow. I can’t believe how swift some of you are (And the “Good Lord” comment, haha, Wow, thought everyone was tough in here). And Bristol_RIWX, I’ve Never touched Drugs and Never been drunk, so no thanks on the weed. Us Italians prefer to be Negatively Pissed off all day. We live in reality, not LaLa land. The Snow is Gloppy as well, No Uniform flat top. Crap Bag Wet Snow. I’m home instead of LA, so of COURSE this was a Bust.
  10. 0.5” ON THE GROUND OUTSIDE OF GRASS OR PLASTIC!! 0.5”!? And You people have 6”-10”?? F*** THIS STORM! In the past 9 days I’ve had to deal with the Chiefs Winning, Mahomes winning a Historic Game WITH an OT coup to boot, Narcissistic Swift & Asshat Kelce taking over the God Dang World seeing unprecedented records and power, my industry has gone So Woke at the Grammys you can’t recognize it, Brandon doesn’t know he’s flipping Alive as President, and now ANOTHER Failed storm like the last 7 “big ones” in a Row here the past 2 years??
  11. I just spent 20 Minutes going over the last 20 Pages. Everyone in CT, just 45 Minutes to my West getting KILLED…. I have 3” on the ground. WTF.
  12. I would pay ALL the money I just won on Super Bowl bets to jackpot 12” and beat everyone to my north by a Long-shot, especially since they got 15-20 when I got basically 5” in that storm last month.
  13. Don’t…. Remind Me….. of the storm you guys have STILL not explained how it happened. How does someone get 2 Feet to my North, 2 Feet to my NE, and 2 Feet WEST of RI… But Central RI got 2”. 2 inches. That’s impossible.
  14. I highly highly HIGHLY doubt that. I went from 12-15 predictions all over to 6-8 everywhere. And I’ve only been in a perfect place for 2/7/03, Match of 2019, and the Blizzard of 1978. Not good odds.
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