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About Thewiledcard

  • Birthday 03/16/1993

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Lancaster, PA

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  1. I totally agree! It is just funny that we trumpet our ability to create technology (especially AI) but are unable to get a better handling on weather in the short / medium ranges. If that went away, what would us as weather hobbyists do with our time?
  2. Also wild to me that we are in 2025 and we still have all these different takes on weather from the models.
  3. Just wild to me that this storm is so juicy in the GOM and then hits the apps and evaporates.
  4. I am returning to the Americanwx forums from a while away so unsure if anyone does this or how its handled but are we planning on opening a discussion page for the upcoming storm? I am a refugee from the wxdisco pages but didn't want to assume things run the same here as they did there.
  5. Wild to see the ensembles be so different at 120 hours. Lotta ball game left to go. EPS GEFS
  6. Lotta game left to play. At least IMBY, best snows don't happen until Feb / Mar.
  7. From what I can tell, the canadian shortwave is one of the biggest differences between the GFS and Euro. Still have a ways to go. Seems like old times. Classic GFS vs. Euro battle ensuing.
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