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Everything posted by mercurydime

  1. Looks about right to me, too. That's a juicy system. I also wonder if the school delays and closings have as much to do with the forecasted winds and how they might coincide with bus travel. Soggy soil and high profile busses on windy roads seem a bit of a liability.
  2. Anybody got a weather radio recommendation? I have on old Archer Radio Shack model my father had given me many moons ago...and it's seen better days (kinda like Radio Shack). Still works...somewhat, but the broadcast from Mt. Pisgah WXL56 is really garbled.
  3. I might do my "Old Man Yells At Clouds" impersonation.
  4. I do recall January '77 being a very snowy month. I was a freshman at Wake Forest. I think that was the only time in my four years there that classes were canceled. Maybe twice during the month? I had a suitemate from Haywood County (Canton, to be precise) whose younger sister did not attend school the entire month of January. I'll have to see if I can find NOAA records for that winter.
  5. 32.2/32 here just after 8a. .63 in the guage. Some icing. Just enough to make my 'indicator' jack pine droop from the top a bit.
  6. 19 for me this morning. Just shy of 46 for the high today.
  7. I remain fascinated about the consistent temp difference between @wncsnowand me. We're only a very short distance apart, and I'm probably 300'+ in elevation difference. I've crept up to 35 in the last hour. He was at 29 when I was ~33.
  8. Been a minute for me, too. I think it was during the Eastern days when I joined. I was still teaching then (gone now 13 years). I was (and remain) fascinated by the weather; especially winter weather. I was the "snow guy" at my high school. Not a better resource than this community to up your weather street cred. Appreciate y'all.
  9. You'll have to squint. There wasn't much, for sure. Real light stuff blowing in on the wind.
  10. Flurries (very light) here in Pleasant Gardens...but at least there's some snow...
  11. 25.9 for my low...above you. When it's cold and windy, that's my least favorite combination.
  12. I do. I'm at like ~1650'. I've noticed you tend to run a little lower temp than I do fairly consistently. Not sure if my direct proximity to the escarpment has anything to do with it. Elevation doubles directly to my west in mile or so.
  13. 19.3 to your NNW. Colder in Bostic than Pleasant Gardens. Micro climates are fascinating. BTW, Bostic's mayor and I, while not terribly close, have known each other since elementary school.
  14. 3.23 inches of rain for the event here in Pleasant Gardens. Didn't see any flakes last night up to around midnight. We surely needed that rain. I'll stay tuned here for any positive changes in the snow forecast during the weeks ahead. 'Preciate y'all.
  15. From the latest news report I can find on the McDowell wild fires (WLOS): "Officials report as of Friday afternoon, the Locust Cove #2 Fire is 10% contained and the Clear Creek Fire is 0% contained." And: "A spokesperson with the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) says the Locust Cove #2 Fire is currently estimated at 150-200 acres, while the Clear Creek Fire is estimated at 124 acres, as of Friday."
  16. I have not heard/read a thing. They are basically separated by ridges. We know it wasn't lightning. I'm hoping arson isn't involved. Haven't caught up with it today, though. Surely this little bit of rain has helped. Only .11 here at the house, however.
  17. That Clear Creek fire is a little too close for comfort.
  18. Right where I am, the elevation doubles (from ~1700 to ~3400) within a mile or so west. That's bound to play into these comparatively exaggerated amounts of rain we get here sometimes.
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