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Everything posted by mercurydime

  1. Topped at 27.3 today. I enjoy winter weather, but I'm ready for a warm-up.
  2. Fly fishing for trout here as well. I prefer chasing wild fish. I'll stalk some stockers on DH water, though.
  3. Low of 14.5 for me. 23.4 at 11:20a. Largest gust since midnight: 11.4mph. Might make it to just freezing today, but we'll see.
  4. Got the least amount of flurrying you can have...but I see snow.
  5. My weather attention the balance of the week is how closely forecast temps track. I'll be especially interested to see if the weekend's temps verify.
  6. 10.4 was the bottom here atop my little ridge. Occurred right before 8, just after sunrise.
  7. 24.3 in PG. It's the kind of cold that goes straight through you.
  8. I love northern Rutherford County. And I swear, if you wanted to drop off the face of the earth, you could do it in northern Cleveland County.
  9. Light rain in PG at 38.8/32.5. Temp has gone up a degree or so with onset of rain.
  10. 40.1/30 here in Pleasant Gardens at 9:00p.
  11. We need @strongwxncup in here as well.
  12. @wncsnowjust tryna keep it real. Nothing wrong with that.
  13. Open for 10 minutes and the "hot" light is already on! You like to see it.
  14. I made it to 55 today. 48 currently. Clouds rolling in. Doesn't seem like we'll see much out of this first system. Won't keep me from looking. But, it's the weather, and subject to change!
  15. I'm in. I grew up in Rutherford. Been in McDowell now for 39 years. I guess I am Mr. Foothills. :)
  16. 50 up the hill here. I'll follow the projected forecast temps closely the next few days.
  17. I'm trying to recall the evolution on this one. Not coming to me presently. Interesting precip distribution. Did they lose it down in Raleighwood?
  18. 4.13" here. Not much wind...yet. Hope it stays that way. Big winds have long unsettled me.
  19. Got a little sleet mixed in with some light drizzle here in Pleasant Gardens at 12:25a. Temp is 37.6 with a DP of 32.
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