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Everything posted by mercurydime

  1. Bigger flakes kicking up here. Temp has fallen 5 degrees since initial onset. 27.1/25.4 at 3:18p
  2. Here it comes. That's Greenlee Mountain in the center.
  3. I can see it snowing just south of me, looking back toward I-40. Should be any time now here in Pleasant Gardens.
  4. 30.7/9.8. I made it to 39 today. Looking forward to some daytime snowfall.
  5. 13.5 for the low here this morning. Chilly!
  6. So easy to get hyped up having gone so long here without accumulating snow. I'll believe it when I see it falling. I'm not too hard to please.
  7. Gotta figure by this time tomorrow we'll have a pretty good idea of what to expect. It'll be interesting if nothing else.
  8. Light rain and a fresh glaze on my driveway fence railing topper.
  9. I just dropped below freezing. 31.8/26.3 There's been just a wee bit of precipitation. Not even enough to measure.
  10. 33.4/20.6 on my little ridge in PG.
  11. 27.3 here in Pleasant Gardens. I'm pleased to have something to track. Cloud cover filled in quickly in the last ~45 minutes.
  12. I am ever the optimist, but I'm increasingly from Missouri otherwise when it comes to winter weather on the lee side. Nice to have something to track, though.
  13. 32.4 here. I put a couple butts on to smoke last night around 10. Forecast was for a low of around 40. Had to get up at 4:30 and add some more fire to keep things moving along to schedule. (I've got a handy wifi app that monitors pit and meat temp and notifies me via the phone when attention is needed). My standing joke about telling someone I'm gonna smoke a couple pork butts is that I'm gonna need some pretty big papers.
  14. I've long believed nature abhors a vacuum; we're due. We shall see. My confidence is tepid...at best.
  15. The temperature has fluctuated in a very narrow range here today: 36 to 38.1. Raw is right. Makes my bones cold.
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