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About mercurydime

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Pleasant Gardens (near Marion, NC in the Northern Foothills)

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  1. 14 5 for my low here in Pleasant Gardens.
  2. I have clearing skies to my west. I don't expect much this morning.
  3. I missed the first push this morning. Cat woke me up at 6:30 and no snow at that time here. Went back to bed (as I'd turned in after 2a). Woke up to a mulch topper. Since, looks to be about .75 so far on the deck railing. Been some big flakes mixed in. Presently in a little lull. Watching it fall has always been my favorite part of it, outside tracking the storm. Currently 32.4/31.2 at 10:30a.
  4. That's a nice benefit of glass, for sure. What I really like is the casting feel. It's notably slower and you can really feel the rod load on the backcast. Better roll casting, which comes in handy on blue lines. Better short distance casting overall because glass loads more fully.
  5. I did not know they had been bought out. I have a Reddington carbon 9 5/6 a guide buddy got me on a pro deal several years ago (15?) Fine rod, but I'm not using it much these days. I mostly do glass anymore these last 10 years. It's where I started. Glad to see a renaissance there. I really, really like Japanese glass.
  6. I bought a couple blanks and had a guy in PA build them out for me. I found this guy several years ago who does really good work reasonably. 8 foot Kabuto 3W 8.5 McFarland 5/6 I've not tried the Butterstick, but I'm sure it's got that classic glass feel. I have a couple Echo glass rods that I like a lot.
  7. I'm ready to fish. Got a couple new glass fly rods in the collection I need to give some run.
  8. 4.29 inches for this rain event. That's a soaking.
  9. I got up to 41 here in PG today, but I'm back down to 36. It's certainly a raw kinda day.
  10. .58 in the guage. We needed the rain here in McDowell.
  11. Its 24.3° at 2:05p with a DP of 7. RH 47%. Lots of virga on the radar.
  12. I blame the lack of critical thinking skills more on laziness than I do ineptitude. We're all entitled to our own opinions but not our own facts. Too many do not know...or care about that distinction.
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