It is rather strange. I'm seeing all these excited poster's comment in Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin and I'm thinking, where did they come from? I only thought we had 1 or 2 from each of those States. But when you think about it, many of these past winters, they did not have too much to talk about while we were getting slammed. Meanwhile they're talking about this like it's some great Winter (which for them it is) and im over here all meh. Certainly its not the worst and there have been a few exciting moments, but with all the fun that has happened the past 15 years, this Winter is going to slide wayyy down to the bottom of the memory bank as soon as it's over.
Is this some weird anomaly? Not at all. It's to be expected that when one area does well another won't do as well and vice versa. It's going to be virtually impossible for this entire sub to be enjoying the same type of season (ie good or bad), which really does make you wonder why this huge sub isnt split further.