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Everything posted by michsnowfreak

  1. some fall color shots this past weekend in SE MI
  2. Most years areas they get MUCH less snow than you, and less snow than me, get snow before us out in the Plains. Obviously the northern plains get harder hit but even further south. Just how it works, and a sign that Winter is knocking on the door!
  3. The northern plains are set to see a potentially historic snowstorm in a few days that is "unheard of for October" in terms of size and intensity. This is after the more isolated but very intense Montana snowstorm last week. Two unheard of snow storms before mid October!!! Perhaps it will be signs of a wild Winter this year. The northern plains and Western States usually get snow before us, but this is quite an early start!
  4. Yeah last winter did not deliver any big storms here (biggest 6.1") and was below avg in snowfall despite colder than avg temps for the cold season. Despite this i had never seen a winter here with so many ice storms. Ice (outside of a few minor glazes) had been really missing in action for a while here. It was still a fairly "wintry" winter, just nothing exciting in the snow department here. Which after so many years of se mi snowmagnet, i can share some. But im certainly hoping for a snowy winter this year!
  5. Hoping for a good Winter sub forum wide!
  6. The duration of that heat here has certainly lessened compared to what it looked like it would be, it's basically going to be one very warm sultry day tomorrow come up but it will definitely feel like July. So glad crisp autumn weather is right on its heels.
  7. Wow what a rollercoaster the first week of October will be. Possibly from July heat to November chill.
  8. Remember though this is a new GFS then we had last fall. Support is definitely growing for a cold shot around this time although it would not surprise me if the GFS was over doing it at the very beginning of the cold season. Actually the most annoying thing about this new GFS is it's outrageous "urban heat island" anomalies around all the big cities which are completely unrealistic. Definitely a kink that needs to be worked out.
  9. Does not look too persistent past this weekend
  10. As the fall color show is in its early stages, I wonder if the warmer than average temperatures will have any effect?
  11. Late June at that. It was hoodie weather WELL into June. Then July was hot and humid almost continuously, and then August started hot and ended cool.
  12. I have noticed the early fall color showing up and I hope the upcoming warm weather does not screw with it. This will be the 1st real heat we've had since mid-late August. Detroit had 10 days of 90゚ this year, which is to below average, but all 10 came between June 28 and July 29th.
  13. They were originally calling for 2-3" here...we got a trace lol
  14. Crazy as not long ago you were terribly wet. it's and dry here too but I lucked out with an isolated storm yesterday dropping 1.65" of rain. I had a TOTAL of 1.94" in July.
  15. Yes they did. And unlike Milwaukee, DTW is not located in the urban core, rather it is an outlying area. Actually near the airport is a sort of rural area, and the South end of the airport valleys so temperatures get much colder, especially at night. On February 20, 2015 when DTW officially had -13゚, when I drove by that spot on the South side of my car registered -22゚. I would not want the thermometer located there either, because thats sort of unfairly low, but I too am convinced that the current placement of the thermometer is causing readings to be a bit elevated compared to surrounding areas.
  16. The Europe heatwave is something. Also, a huge summer cold snap is going on in Russia.
  17. I have complained multiple times about Detroit having the same issue that you describe in Milwaukee. It seems it's not a problem with the thermometer themself, but rather the immediate area/environment surrounding the station, as well as exact station location. The thermometer itself is probably accurate, but i admit it irks me when tenths of degrees are so important for certain things, but official climate records are VERY subject to changes from past years due to asos placement.
  18. Todays record is on the "lower" side at 97 (yesterday and tomorrows record is 100) so theres a shot.
  19. Im further north than that. On the Michigan side of that 0.23" in canada. Almost seems the placement is SLIGHTLY off. Where do you get maps like that?
  20. Just came to edit my post but you beat me to it lol. The 86゚ dewpoint was Marshall. I am not familiar with that station so I cannot say, but I am familiar with Monroe. There was one day I think a week ago or so that Monroe had dewpoints touching 80 when every other station was below 70. To be honest I kept checking the Monroe dewpoint yesterday just to see how high it would go lol, knowing it is not correct, and I expected higher than its peak of 85゚. The highest "official" dewpoints at the nearest first order stations to Monroe were 78° at Toledo and 77° Detroit. Still, I have a very hard time believing that Marshall dewpoint. Whenever a station is many degrees higher than anywhere surrounding it, it's a red flag. The closest stations to Marshall- Battle Creek Kellogg, Battle Creek/Kalamazoo, and Jackson, had peak dewpoints of 79, 80, and 79.
  21. Got a much needed 0.53" of rain yesterday afternoon in a thunderstorm, but much heavier totals to my immediate West and South. DTW got 1.61". Earlier in the week, heavy storms missed me mere miles to the north, a difference of a dew hundredths of an inch and a few inches of rain. Have been so barely avoiding the needed July rain with thread-the-needle like precision to the point where i dont even know if it would show up on a map of precip totals.
  22. The Monroe dewpoint sensor has been off for some time, see above.
  23. It's not legit. Some of the ASOSs which are not 1st order stations have erroneously high wet bulb temperatures in moist air masses. But the Monroe (TTF) sensor has been off for quite some time, so it predictably had dew points in the mid 80s yesterday. DTW soared to a season high of 94, dewpoint 77, before thunderstorms around 3pm cooled temps into the 70s for the rest of the day.
  24. That's very true and I suppose citing the temperature anomaly was not the best way to compare. Regardless, it's still not close. Take, say, of the 20 largest cities in the Midwest, look at their minimum temperature for the cold snap and see how many times each of those cities had a colder temp, then do the same thing for the maximum temp in this heat wave, and see how many times they had greater temperatures.
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