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Everything posted by michsnowfreak

  1. Im sure they have. It was strictly a snowfall comparison as to what the UP might average without lakes. Winnipeg, like Minneapolis only even more so, certainly makes the most snow cover wise out of the amount of snowfall they receive. But we were strictly discussing how much snow the Great Lakes may avg... without the Great Lakes
  2. Winnipeg averages 45", about the same as Detroit or Boston
  3. Actually even that's not true. Snow weenies in washington dc or cincinnati would kill to have the winter Detroit or chicago has had thus far. Its all relative. I was up in bos neck of the woods in 2016 (or was it 17 bo?) when they had a very subpar winter for their standards. It was still about a foot to foot and a half of snow on the ground, but in marquette city there were actually bare patches in the urban areas. Of course I was in heaven, but that foot might as well have been a balmy 60° to the locals who expect feet upon feet at that location in the heart of winter.
  4. Actually i disagree. All of us winter lovers want respectable conditions for mid winter. In fact we had them just last week. There is absolutely NO denying this is not the courier and ives winter snowlovers want. And also, i am probably more like beavis than most on here. I dont care about how impressive the storm is (if i did, this winter is not that bad actually). I just want a winter landscape, and if it comes from sifter snow for days on end while the big ones are suppressed, so be it. But beavis typical gripes about climo and unrealistic demands of winter are very far off the grid. And this is in no way a knock on him, as i said, we are probably the best match on here.
  5. Endless days of flurries, low stratus, and barely moving temperatures continue.
  6. Actually, the Midwest, Great Lakes, and New England have have had a lot of snowy winters the past 20 years. Averages exist for a reason, and unfortunately balancing out does happen.
  7. Gradient pattern really setting up on the GFS for a bit
  8. Ive never seen a soapbox like yours lol. You have a right to your opinion but so does everybody else. You literally just said the climo in the entire lower 48 is terrible. I don't know why you don't just move to the North Pole lol. I have seen nobody sugar coating this Winter, if anything, any optimism it is immediately shot down with negativity. Yes, the Winter as a whole has sucked. Yes, we have had many winters like this before. And yes, most other sub forums have it worse than us. I spent lots of time outdoors whenever there has been snow this season, and I highly suggest others do the same. I said it last week and I will say it again, it absolutely kills me when I see someone, assumably sitting inside, complaining about how the long range looks bad when they have snow outside their window. Then when its melted, i do indoor activities lol.
  9. It was a crap year for sure, though that period had a lot of stinkers. At Detroit. 1941-42 saw only 23.4" total (15th least snowy winter on record(, and only 20 days had 1"+ snowcover (by comparison, this winter so far is at 21.9" and 23 days thru Jan 30). The largest snowstorm in 1941-42 was 4.2" on Apr 9/10, and the peak obs time snow depth all season was 3". Looking at Columbus, after a 2.5" snowfall in early Jan 1942, the next largest snowfall that season was 0.3".
  10. Id panic if i was in NYC and rejoice in Minneapolis. Here in Detroit, i feel a bit nervous but mostly confident that more snowstorms are in the offing.
  11. I have to admit it looks better for us than you, but it looks better for you than jbs i95 fanclub. He always has an extreme east coast bias and I will admit, it's not looking as good for them, so I'm sure throwing in the towel refers to the East Coast. It is still strange to hear him admit that though lol.
  12. Hopefully the epo pans out. I mean even if it doesnt, a storm can track nw and still bring heavy snow, i only have to look back to Jan 19 to see that. But if it pans out i love the look. No -nao would keep otherwise suppression in check.
  13. I like the way the extended looks for storminess around the Lakes for Feb. Buckle up and lets see what happens.
  14. Too far out to be living and dying 2with each model run. 6z was better. Who knows what 12z will be. Seems like a clipperless winter with a handful of good snowstorms. Hopefully this is one of the storms lol
  15. To be fair, slight Southeast ridge may help keep continuously pumping winter systems into the Ohio Valley and lakes. Honestly not a bad look for us.
  16. I wouldnt say no winter lol, its just been mild after a cold November. We are actually around avg snowfall to date in Detroit (21.9" so far), just cant sustain the snowpack. These mild winters are a boon for the Lake superior snowbelts of the UP, absolute mountains of snow. I would suggest a trip if you can, you will definitely get a fix.
  17. I love northern Michigan, and I try to go up there several times a year. Its not so much snow chase thing as I am just going to enjoy the deep snow outdoors. Whether snow is falling or not is irrelevant, though obviously show falling is preferred. Actually it's kind of funny, almost every year until last year, it hardly ever snows when I'm up there lol. Tons on the ground, but no snow falling. Obviously, I get the backyard thing, we are all that way to a certain extent. I am worried about my backyard and I also I'm a big time stat guy so I love comparing what's going on locally to past years. You have to remember when I simply state how much snow is fallen this year, or that we are around average, that is not to say I am enjoying this Winter. I would gladly take less snow in total for more snow cover and cold. That is just my preference. But the scenes that we had here in early to mid November were unprecedented with the deep powder on the ground, heck even this past week was concrete, so it all adds into things. I've never seen a Winter behave the way this one has so far, so I have no idea what to expect the rest of the way. We had a winter in the mid 80s when I was too young to remember where we racked up around 55" of snow without a single warning criteria event, complete with snow depths around a foot in February. I would take that in a heartbeat. It sounds crazy to say that we've already had 2 warning criteria snowstorms at the midway point but this Winter feels so frustrating.
  18. Its invigorating being outdoors in deep winter. I have taken a snow trip north annually, since 2007, with the above mentioned exceptions of 2014 and 2015. I love going up there (to visit, not live lol). Also, in more "open" winters like this one, i take advantage of those pristine winter days and go out and enjoy. I fully understand those south of i80 have more right to complain, but for those of us who have had some nice winter days, why some people choose to sit at home lamenting the continued crud pattern on models and staring at a computer screen wondering how quickly the snow will melt....rather than go out and enjoy the winter wonderland right out their window...ill never understand.
  19. I go every year, except 2014 and 2015 bc when you have feet of snow in your own yard, enjoy lol.
  20. Random snow showers this morning under the ever present steel gray skies. I notice that at work, theres about an inch of snow crust left but at home its mostly piles. There was no more snow at work than home last week, which just shows how.even in a stagnant pattern, slight bits of elevation keep temps a few degrees cooler.
  21. I agree about digital snow maps. I was referring to looping the 24 hr precip on the gefs on tidbits. Its consistently shown a lot of precip in that timeframe, usually its a lot of widespread light qpf that far out. Im not counting on anything, just pointing out the interesting snow maps.
  22. The ensembles have been very active afterwards, and now the gfs shows a big storm in 2 wks. Its so far out but its interesting to note how active the ensembles are. Thats as good a sign as you could ask for this far out.
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