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Everything posted by michsnowfreak

  1. Yesterday's 1.4" of snow here actually melted down to exactly 0.14" of water. One of the rare times exactly 10:1 actually happened. Of course, realistically during the heaviest rates it was probably a little better than 10:1 and then in the slower rates a little bit of QPF was wasted
  2. Rates will absolutely drop the temperature is. Detroit dropped to 30° today in heavy snow between 1-2pm when temperatures should be in the upper 50s lol
  3. I love Michigan but this minority that protested at the Capitol were pure idiots
  4. It was crazy how it instantly turned into a Winter wonderland earlier, and then hours later was gone
  5. The snow from earlier melted...did that new squall stick at all?
  6. Todays snow was fun. Very heavy snow for a time, smack dab at peak heating hours and it still accumulated. Picked up 1.4" here, bringing season total to 39.8"...and 1.2" at DTW brings season total to 39.7".
  7. Most in Detroit saw 2 or 3 storms of 6+ this winter, so that's not bad, but the nickels and dimes were less than normal. 2014 was an absolutely amazing Winter. We had 6 storms of 6" plus, but 5 of them were 8" plus, which is unheard of for here in the land of frequent nickels and dimes. What I will not give to replay that Winter.
  8. A few flurries here but missed a few isolated snow squalls just to my Northwest this evening. Sure feels like Winter though. Looks like a bit more snow tomorrow and a possible snow storm Friday. One thing about this Winter, the snow season has definitely not been a short one lol
  9. I hope next year has more cold air, I would be willing to sacrifice some actual snowfall for more sustained snowcover. We had a few good snowstorms here this Winter, but I like cold and white lol. One thing I will say about this snow season, it was not a short one from start to finish lol. A record November 11 snowstorm now we both MAY be looking at an April 17th snowstorm.
  10. There are scattered spots throughout the northern tier states that also had above average snowfall, but not necessarily any one large swath. Surprisingly a lot of areas running close to average, a few inches either side, despite the mild weather.
  11. I welcome it further north. Ive had a lot of spare time on my hands being couped up inside, so ive been perusing old weather data and newspaper stories for Detroit but also Chicago. Looking at past data is fascinating as always, and shows how most seasons have ups and downs. Most years, looking at the total snowfall or mean temp doesnt do the season justice (be it in a good or a bad way). Ive never been a fan of the term stat padding, but when I look at old data (ie, its ALWAYS been around and can apply to most seasons), I hate the term even more lol. Its interesting to hear you refer to this winter a a waste and awful down there....as both snowfall and snowcover were well above avg lol.
  12. Awesome. Not to mention, you get much more snow than negaunee.
  13. I really highly doubt 4' as those models always have clown totals in big storms. However that said, I have no doubt your area will come in as the jackpot like often does. The strongest storms seem to hit your area outside the Winter months, and these strong storms which cause lower ratios for most folks pound you in the higher elevations with higher ratios. I was telling my mom about how much snow you are expecting, she still remembers the great time we had when we went up to your area, went to that cafe and everything. I forget, what actual town do you live in?
  14. Exactly. Who's planting anything in the middle of April lol? Just people wanting to complain, probably the same people that complained that she waited 2 days too long to shut us down in the 1st place
  15. We had a lot of graupel showers here on Thursday afternoon. They always remind me of dippin dots lol. Mlive posted an article about it, and I too did not realize what it was until they posted this. We ended up having regular snowflakes Thursday evening so there was still "real" snow lol, but now next time I see Fall or Spring graupel I will know that that technically is snow, unlike sleet or hail (even though sleet or even hail technically counts in the snow column of weather records). https://www.mlive.com/weather/2020/04/is-it-hail-is-it-sleet-no-its-graupel-falling-from-the-sky.html?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=aanews_sf&utm_source=facebook
  16. How much left on the ground there? Technically, graupel is snow. Latest I've ever seen snowflakes down here is May 20, 2002, earliest is October 12, 2006.
  17. I was checking and current snow depths in the upper peninsula, and snow is for the most part gone except in the higher elevations. And those same elevations will jackpot this storm.
  18. So is their version of Winter Wonderland lol
  19. Snow showers continued off and on overnight. I only a trace, but DTW picked up 0.2", and isolated spots got more. The highest total I saw was 1.0" in Ann Arbor. The sky last night was so cool to see the snow clouds dot an otherwise clear sky.
  20. We had massive flakes March 22nd. Typically winter flakes are smaller when its colder.
  21. 72F yesterday was the warmest since early October, today off and on rain, snow, and graupel showers. Lots of dippin dots lol
  22. Bring it on . Madison's 2 feet of snow forecast for Feb 26 turned into a 5.7" snowfall here.
  23. The storms had continuous lightning here, heavy rain, and quite a bit of small marble sized hail.
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