I'm wondering if anyone else here has had it? i know some in other forums did. And thank you! I really appreciate the kind words but no need to mention me, I was a mild case, I just like to point out to everyone that with first hand experience, even with a mild case, yes the flu like bad part lasts 10-14 days, but usually some minor things linger for 3-5 WEEKS. Most common is a cough and varying levels of fatigue, which is my issue, but a lot of people also lose their sense of taste and smell (luckily I did not). And again, this is common for most of the 80% mild cases. This is not close to talking about the issues that "long haulers" face and many do have permanent damage. So yes, only a very small percentage of people actually die but I just cannot stand when people compare this to any other virus. I hope they are ready to be tired and have obstacles for a month If they get a mild case.