Couldn't have said it better myself. Now. The late 70s winters were brutal, absolutely. But HERE they were nothing really special snow-wise, except for 1977-78, and even that was much worse all around us. 1977-78 was very frontloaded, as winter was really nothing but frigid zzzz after the blizzard (though we did maintain snowpack into March). 76-77 was a tundra in many places and we locally got screwed in 78-79 despite the widespread cold and nearby heavy snow. I honestly think that the constant "blizzard of 78" photos that circulate social media start to make people remember something based on a photo not an actual memory. The winter of 81-82 was just 4 years later and is never mentioned despite being more severe here. And of course decades more recently are winters like 2000-01, 2004-05, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2010-11, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2017-18 all of which easily could stick in a memory better than the late 70s here.