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Everything posted by biodhokie

  1. max I experienced was pea sized hail at 270/shady Grove.
  2. some juicy mammatus ahead of the Germantown cell currently warned
  3. Have backup routes planned ahead of time is what I've found out to be best. From DC, you could do 70 to the PA turnpike but everyone is going to be doing that route so it's going to be stupidly packed. Next option is I-68 to I-79 in Morgantown and go North. If that doesn't work US-40 to PA-43 to PA-51 to backdoor your way into Pittsburgh to points North. My guess is that PA-43 isn't going to be extremely packed since it is a toll road but not an interstate. We'll find out.
  4. I'm planning to drive to Erie, PA for eclipse. I remember driving to Clemson, SC for the last totality event and holy moly was traffic crazy the day of so I'm ready for it this time. I'm expecting major arteries to be extremely busy. This one'll be my third but hopefully won't be clouded over like my first eclipse.
  5. Ripping snow in Bethesda. Nothing sticking, vis about 0.75 mi.
  6. "We got the 28-3 head coach! No, not Belichick, the other one!"
  7. Stafford airport is currently an urban heat island at 90F with light drizzle.
  8. I'm minorly irked at OPM. Nothing like the terror of sliding down the only way out of your apartment with no control on a side street into a extremely busy and properly salted colesville rd. Feel like today should've been the closure and Tuesday the 2 hour delayed arrival.
  9. Waiting for OPM to make a move (I know it's not going to do anything until way late).
  10. That can't be right, apparently 3 miles away in Georgetown there hasn't been a flake all day!
  11. It's not that I don't trust my own abilities, I don't trust anyone else on driving in snow. I was out earlier and with snow covered road had a person tailgating me with 2 completely open lanes.
  12. University Blvd was covered by 0900 this morning so that does not surprise me. Georgia being a massive first responder artery doesn't surprise me that it's wet. Georgia+Colesville both streets are wet but snow on the edges.
  13. I don't see how Erie county placing a travel ban effective at 2100 tonight is the NFL's fault. If the NFL was such a joke they'd postpone the KC-Miami game.
  14. We should call it some sort of Rainstorm thread just for maximum trolling. I can only imagine the amount of whinging...and if it actually did rain...oof.
  15. Rock Creek at East-West/Beach is over its banks and into the surrounding flood plain. East-West itself is draining enough water that you're spraying water as if it's standing puddle.
  16. Not bs. I'm literally looking out my work window in Bethesda about 50 ft up and watching flakes of snow waft around with rain. Its weird.
  17. Power lines starting to fall w/ down lines in Rockville on Bel Pre Rd.
  18. Being an early millennial I do remember being sent home early like an hour early during HS (05-06) because of incoming severe weather in Spotsy so while a lot of folks are griping about the early dismissals, its not like its unprecedented. The running theme seems to be making sure the kids are given a window to arrive home safe.
  19. Wouldn't be surprised if they didn't spray one snowfall a time ago and some person sued the DOT over an accident they had blaming they didn't treat roads to get out of paying for damages themselves and won. So now its spray all the time just to CYA.
  20. The only thing that sucks about this storm is that it's over the weekend. If it was Friday or Monday, we'd have another 3 day weekend from OPM.
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