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About biodhokie

  • Birthday 02/19/1988

Profile Information

  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Silver Spring, MD
  • Interests
    Biomedical research

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  1. which really sucks for me. Makes it so I'm literally stuck in my apartment complex. Should I attempt to leave I'll be sliding into Colesville praying I don't get T-boned.
  2. Finally I can go to bed. Silver spring is SN and Georgia Ave/Colesville is caved. 30 min ago there was nothing.
  3. Pretty much, depends on how the person submitting to their cluster submits the jobs. They're using the slurm scheduler (which is what we use as well) which will take a single job and every line of the command file ends up being a subjob. Effectively you can create a parallelized pipeline that results in a single cohesive output. What has me curious is what their pipelines look like and how they're coded, mainly to see how I could apply it to my own work seeing how they constantly run the same pipeline to output the model results.
  4. https://www.ecmwf.int/en/computing/our-facilities/supercomputer-facility Basically a big Unix environment using a supercomputer. I get to do the same on the daily, some cool equipment.
  5. If he's the starter week 1 next year, my heads going to explode.
  6. It opened up really in the last 5 minutes. Driving on East-West 5 minutes ago it wasn't snowing. Get to my apt its ripping fatties.
  7. Ketchup on steak though. mortal sin.
  8. Jealous. Been waiting for snow for the past 2 hours. So tantalizingly close on the radar.
  9. who knew this statement would cause a moab to get dropped into the thread.
  10. Seriously. Looks like ocean ticks. Had an oyster this summer at the insistence of my gf...hard pass to another can't get past the texture and the back of my bio brain yelling to me that oysters are filter feeders.
  11. Close to where we want to be 72 hours out if history repeats itself. 25-50 mile jog north as it gets closer to game time.
  12. im just waiting for the thread to go storm mode and the 5-postings to begin.
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