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Everything posted by xram

  1. 1.26" for the day. Very minimal lightning
  2. Getting some light sleet at the moment
  3. I heard it pour and checked radar. Very localized pop up shower rolled through. As fast as it developed it collapsed
  4. Down to 24 here. A break in the precip
  5. 3.29" here Seems that I'm high but checked my other gauge which also read over 3"
  6. 1.34 for the day and total of 3.64 so far
  7. 1.34 for the day and total of 3.64 so far
  8. 1.15" for the event. The streets are finally free of the over salting from the last event
  9. 1.63" so far for the day. Winds not too bad
  10. Got down to -6.3 this morning. thought it would have gotten colder.
  11. 24.5/22 It has transitioned over to light frz rain now. Now the decision is...do I clean the driveway off now or wait until precip stops?
  12. Great to hear! Hopefully roads are better for her commute home. 23.8/21. Light sleet and frz rain at the moment.
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