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Everything posted by pasnownut

  1. yeah I think places like elm to manheim to etown have a shot at keeping enough to make a snow on snow deal happen. Fresh snowmobile tracks still being seen on way into work. MBY "snowpack" still 3", but many areas that are exposed are down to little. Cold temps surely helped, although Ephrata is getting lots of heat from a big country store fire (Martins - my favorite meat/grocery store). Just did a BIG remodel too. Terrible.
  2. I just peeked and saw that home run, and verbatim it would still have runners yet to cross the plate... Nice to see chances continuing to pop up. Speaking of chances....wondering what the chance is for the upcoming weekend event to slip further south? GFS has been trending, but fortunately therese enough consensus that goalposts seem to be a little more narrow for this one.
  3. Still approx 4” imby. Photo too large. Ugh. Sleds can still run in spots around here but lotsa melting this after. Tomorrow is colder but might not be enough to hold it unless we feeeze hard tonight. Not sure mid 20’s do a lot to help. Nice event all the same.
  4. It sure did nail it. I posted something about the mesos hitting the mark really early this morning. Hoping they dont shat the bed w/ this next one but the shift south inside 24 with last one should give pause to what we see in the next couple days, with the exception that we are not trying to figure out what letter (A/B to affix to the next one, as its less tricky in evolution as it rides the boundary, with possible SS injection of add'l qpf if they link up a little better than currently modeled.
  5. I'll close my nooner chat w/ nice consensus, but still most keep NS and SS separate, so for now we just have a nice mood event. Still happy to see it and think theres enough time and space to clean up and maybe a little upside.
  6. @90 its a tad south but not too divergent. Just establishes southern goalpost.
  7. out to 78 Euro is similar to ICON/GFS/GEM in SLP placement. Glad to see it. Consensus builds for potential weekend fun.
  8. something you dont often see in mid FEB. Northern PA - brown https://www.pagrandcanyonsnowmobileclub.com/snocams/ Northern NY - Brown https://www.northernchateau.com/w/centermenu.html Almost everyone in our forum - look outside and enjoy your snow. You are lucky
  9. Is what it is, and if its melted by friday and freshened up by saturday, there are far worse things in life to fret over.
  10. I need to get some work done, but nooners overall did not disappoint. Happy snow day gang. Onward..........
  11. but to the good, if one toggles through 84 w/ GFS/ICON and GEM, surface maps are plenty close enough at this range. Its all about consensus and they are plenty close for me to keep watching.
  12. lol...I'm in good company with you (and many others here). So much fun to be trackin again.
  13. its really just a NS vort riding the boundary and hopefully gets some help from SS. get that NS energy to slow down/dive in a tad more, and maybe just maybe we snow on snow in same week. How cool is that?
  14. verbatim still a little too strung out for much upside (also based on flow at upper levels), but surely can be something workable/plowable.
  15. I look forward to extrapolating NAM runs for the next 24 hrs.....
  16. didnt you ask for this exact thing to happen a few hours ago? If so, keep wishing...you're on a roll.
  17. at 84 SLP slightly N of ICON placement. No matter what it shows further on....thats a good step in the right direction.
  18. GFS at 78 NS energy notably further south. That should help
  19. absolutely. If we can get GFS to start showing NS and SS to come together (they were close at 6z) we might be in luck.
  20. Yep, looks like fun times trackin wise, and hopefully eekin our way towards climo. Lightyears better than last season.
  21. lol or ninjad ?? Just posted the same thought regarding saturday potential. it has a shot based on flow/pattern etc.
  22. I'm gonna go out on a snow covered saggin limb and say that Saturday looks to have a chance for something. NAM extrapolated and a couple others are showing enough souther and norther interaction to keep me interested.
  23. yep. Tells me there's a lot going on and they are struggling to figure out where things set up. For any that are writing them off....step back 24hrs (better get some mileage outta it while we can...lol)
  24. still moderate snow in Etown at 9am hopin for another hour but back edge is gettin close
  25. you know the saying....throw enough shit into the chute, and your bound to get hit by some.
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