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Everything posted by pasnownut

  1. Based on progression of this event, I think we can all agree that you will be snowing before HBG. Thats the stuff that makes me scratch my head we short term messo's. If I'm wrong...find me another crow....I got the magic injection recipe to make it taste like chickn.
  2. Looks like I need a little "crossing swords" to get more snow.....lol
  3. Bingo. Started seeing the Susqu river wall forming late yesterday on some guidance. As you stated, always winners n loseres, but with an event like this, there isnt a ton of forcing issues, but it may be a reflection of SLP jumpin and jippin....dunno. Like I said, its noise to me at this juncture, but its a possibility. Dont care really. I want snow...i'm getting snow...I'm good.
  4. see other maps posted....after more coffee pal. Youre good....and much much much better than me.....verbatim. I'm about to push chips in and let the cards fall as they may. its goona snow, and that's all I wanted...didnt care if I was the winner at all. I'm here for the forum....
  5. moning crew nooners take it west. Cash n Bubbles approve.
  6. Bubbles is gettin the get the shaft....in a good way.
  7. I dont follow HRRR much (except looking for trends), but can say that even at go time...I've been less than impressed more than a few times. I know your just pointing out for discussion, but if 12zs major leaguers start showing...then I'd worry a bit more. 6z euro calmed my worries (which are minimal tbh). Guess we'll find out soon enough.
  8. yep. Forgot to mention thermals. Its just an easy peasy snow event. I'll take these anytime we can get them. Even if not big hitter.
  9. Its a "safe" bet and If anything goes wrong, they can still be right. If someone jackpots at 5-6 (you), they share the anomaly like you are the lucky winner of the jackpot....and you are.
  10. Thats been my feeling, and I stated a couple days ago. It's just more of a run of the mill event and brings a bit of "normalcy" back to the game. Sorta simplish compared to many events we track. No handoffs or waiting for 500vort to dive in etc.. just a vort riding a boundary. Whatever happens, this was nice to track.
  11. Yeah I know what they are. Just joking around. 6z's fixed us up...especially GFS, so i'll hust hug it.
  12. FYP....what da frick did I/we do to deserve that shit.... Photoshop at it's finest....lol Not worried....well I am...but I'm not.
  13. TT needs new parts....done did break again...no 18z NAM for me...wtfrig
  14. In honor of saurkraut week....dem der Germans came to the HH party. Slightly norther. Add another to the consensus pile. Snow maps not impressive but trends are the way to the promise land, and this trended towards us and not away. Nice HH
  15. Ground truth is that they never really were....save some lolli's... As Mt Joy states....its in line w/ most, so concensus says we gonna snow. From where we've been....its a win to a lesser degree.
  16. Absolutely. It didnt go away from us, so take it and run...
  17. Its a pinch N at 42. Better than south I guess. surface really not likely to look mucho differente.
  18. Largely unchanged "incoming" at 36. Pivotal's a pain in da pecker to toggle around. Just sayin..
  19. I think its likely that most of us should be getting something. Gettin close enough that big shifts (bad or good) are diminishing. One caveat to this deal is that there is less worry about timing/handoffs etc. its just a simple storm riding the boundary below us and throwin qpf up our way. I think for a multitude of reasons, that we sometimes overthink it a bit-or just expect 70% failure and want to find out how we do that instead of just looking at it for what it is. I understand that for sure, but IMO this one has been "easier"...if you know what I mean. Does that guarantee anything....hell no, but other than that stupid little fly on the screen that was off GA coast that Bubbles and I were mentioning....no big surprises. Well for sanity's sake....I hope it ends this way.
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