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Everything posted by pasnownut

  1. I'm thinking 1-1.25" ish in Akron/Litltz area. Happy to see snow...no matter how much it stacks up. Just hoping for an event or 2 that can stick around for a while before we close the books on whats been a pleasant surprise of a winter for me/many
  2. steadier light snow here. bout 1/2" so far. NAM extrapolated for Saturday.....better. Gnight
  3. that WOULD suck. atmoshperic memory....my arse. Its OUR turn.
  4. Yep, but as you know Im not a me guy....I'm a WE guy, and many of us get smoked verbatim... You and I are often cheerleading for the stars of the game N and W of us. When you and I taint, CTP is usually giddy. Appears to be the case, and from my view, we only get a little taint, so I'd sign just as it presents.
  5. Incoming Bombogenisis maximus on GFS at 228 One day....real soon i hope, ona deez is gonna stick.
  6. agreed. The hunt is so fun...and yeah, can be so depressing, but if you dont have shit in the chute....then you dont have shit. I'll take it.
  7. yeah, the other day I suggested the same regarding the models catching onto the tellies, and was thinking this weekend was still "up in the air" as the models didnt fit the pattern - so to speak. Not sure if enough of a correction for a big win, but at least maybe a little better in the frozen variety.
  8. Glad to see you "back" Hope you are feeling better. May need you for the 2/20 blizzard
  9. Hoping that the models start adjusting to the better NAO/AO, and tick south for later this week. As they are only starting to head south now, thats why I've been thinking that our tues/wed deal could shift north and then the boundary sinks further south for later next weekends fun.
  10. works like a charm. chisels right through. Just got done doing my stuff w/ it.
  11. Germans are pissed at America of late. They've been pooh poohin storms for a while.
  12. The other day they were plowing the sleet on Etown rd just before the mt joy police dept building. No joke
  13. his answer....... Negative. I'm baackkkk..... Hi gang. Tuesdays coming north. Book it. No f'n idea bout the rest. Just going 1 at a time.
  14. thx Life (and death) happens....this one just ended too soon. I'll give you the honors of sharing Calvert Cnty MD winner winner chicken dinner w/ 49" on 6z GFS perty snow map (hr 378) for some eye candy. If you spit coffee on screen.....I warned you.
  15. arent we always? Funeral today, so give me something to look forward to for HH.....K?
  16. Early morning NAM extrapolated should pick many up for #2 Tuesday event. qpf notably north of GFS counterpart. and just looking at 6z GFS, it also comes a bit north for Tuesday. #rightwherewewantit
  17. No offense to him, but I'm not sure I want to read his forecasts.... I'd quit the sport.....
  18. If you can show us the model that had 5" of sn/ip for HBG for this weekends event, I'd love to see it. And I'm not talking perty colored snow maps. You've done this plenty long enough to know they are usually bunk with mix events. Blizz is correct, this one has been modelled as a mix down in the LSV for many days. You just take your sloppy inch and like it. Tues #2 is and has been our first legit chance for appreciable snow in the LSV, and then you can start adding up a few inches, if were lucky...or you can drive to VA an shovel some into your trunk and throw it into your yard so the that #3 can wash it away. (thats a joke....for now).
  19. taking a broader look at tellies one would still argue that ''buckle up'' is still an appropriate phrase for next couple weeks. PNA gong slightly + also supports a broad trough (albeit low amp), but verbatim would suppress baroclinic zone a bit further south than the Op GFS is showing. Something to keep an eye on anyways. Ok back to work for me. Philly cheesteaks for us Egles fans here at work, and now I gotta sell somethin. I hope Euro saves us all. TTFN
  20. AO at -3 deviation give me a touch of hope. NAO now looking to go neg next week also says a little better troughing here in the east is a possible course correction that the models may latch onto in the coming days. AO was our path to victory a few years back .
  21. euro is gonna put the hammer down for #2 mid week mauler and rope y'alls asses right back in I can feel it...or is that whats in my holster?
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