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Everything posted by pasnownut

  1. 500 panels are much deeper and less ridgy out in front w/ cold press on GEFS. It would argue souther track IMO
  2. you and I have used this reference before. atmospheric memory. Seems fitting of late.
  3. i know. you said it looked good. I said REALLY good. Carry on.....
  4. I wouldnt throw a nickel down. It is just mindbogglng how its either 200 miles South, or 200 miles NW that seem to be the preferred tracks this year. I keep thinking that as the pattern has been rather progressive, that if you throw enough into it, something will stick for all of us. Starting to question that assumption, but the Euro/Ukie gives hope, and GFS has played this game all too often, and I'd think this weekend it brings 2/20 back (if its gonna - andi think it will). at 500, GFS/GEPS argues for a norther correction. GEFS says congrats DC
  5. so in summary. - Toss it for Saturday, - Hug it for 2/20. that was easy....
  6. He was in the MA forum, or was it NY? I remember the name.
  7. Tip still in NE forum. Just bring your interpreter with you. Dude is obviously brilliant, and "speaks" in a manner that I find myself rereading a couple times, till his thought sinks in and I hear the ding in my noggin...or i just have blank stare on my face. It happens....
  8. Huhh, thats a good point to ponder Me thinks its much of what we've been seeing and just overrunning the boundary out in front of vorts and is prob related to LL winds as there's just enough WAR for influx of moisture. 2/19 LL winds (850mb) show it, but now that you say that, it has been a year with seemingly larger qpf fields.
  9. Kid knows his stuff. Like others suggested, I hope he's happy AND well. I remember it all shaking down.
  10. yeah, saw that. Hate to disco IF's, but..... IF that backside dives in a little sooner, the word boom (and taint for us SE'rs) comes to mind, but as its shown, it's not an unreasoble IF to consider.
  11. all good man. No need to apologize whatsoever. You're entitled to having a moment... just like our wives do....
  12. GFS was a nice step towards suckin us right back in for 2/20 storm
  13. i could sense you were bummed last night. I was in your camp, but we all know that the pattern IS getting a bit better moving forward, so if we can keep the chances coming....chances are you get your flush hit. And if not, nickles and dimes still fill the jar.
  14. yep, i remember. The PBP's down in the forum to our south, used to be pretty good...with sprinkles of bafoonery, and peep that shoulda read more...posted less. Hell, JI the wiz that he is, was one of the more trigger happy dudes there. I'd still think tossin a pint back w/ him would be a fun time.
  15. Back in the day, I'd spend a lot of time in their thread, and try to "prove my worth" - add value to the convo/disco. Was fun for a while, but man they are a bunch of whiners and can really muck up a good thing, so like Mitch....I left. Our crew has picked up the ball of late, and I'm more than happy to be right here. They know where we are if they want to join in, but I think many know that were not going to stand for the bafoonery that i remember all too well in there Sub. Hopng that has changed, as there is some real talent down there.
  16. Perectly stated. So many get so affixed on digital snow, that they forget the real stuff is or has fallen... Is'nt that really why we as snow lovers....do this?? I don't look much during events. My time is being out in it, or looking out the window. I also think that as we age (like fine wine of course), we adjust perspective and see the good in things for that they are, and not worry about what they aren't. Digi snow has been the source of much agony for many of us.
  17. congrats. That batch has been showing up for days, and seemed to sit n rot just west of the LSV. Nooner NAM says it comes east, but as we know, the NAM can be a bit overzealous in its qpf distribution. Hoping it's onto something, as some more afternoon mood snows sounds great to me.
  18. Whiles its shown up on the mesos/globals, it's never been modeled to make it east. Not surprising at all.
  19. ours are about 1-1.5" as of yesterday. Happens every year at this time, no matter if warm/cold/snow/no. I've seen them covered in deep snow, only to pop out as the sun does its thingy. This year has been refreshingly normal in its feel winterwise. Happy happy.
  20. Yes, the negative nellies were out in force last night. I just chuckle.
  21. As we seem to "lose" storms upon approach, it'd be nice to eek our way into one. Been a while since we've done that. Hoping Saturday can continue to trend a bit better/colder, but realize that taint/rain is inevitable. Just hoping to minimize that as mush as possible.
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