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Everything posted by pasnownut

  1. much closer than I expected (not that i was paying much attention, but the score sorta startled me. Good to see the smaller schools givin it a go. Good on them.
  2. We are special. Im so tired of looking at the inside of my house. I want to be outside doing stuff, but its just not fun. You know its bad when my normal warmie buddies, are sick of it....
  3. Yeah, looks like we are stuck in the rut for the forseeable future, but at least a few breaks look to be showing up. We need a wholesale pattern change though. SER is just relentless.
  4. Hope y'all had a great summer. Figured it might be a good time to start a new thread as meteo autumn is here. Here's to frosty pumpkins and perty colors of autumn. Discuss.............. Nut
  5. No....some/many of us wont....I purchased him for several years (and wxbell). I think he's great, but for my level of need, it didnt justify the expense....thats all. As many of you that dont like him (and his political rants...yes theyre a little much), many of us grew up watching him on weather world and following him on Accuwx. I will ALWAYS appreciate his abilities....done. Nut
  6. x 2 JB loves snow and weather. I appreciate his passion and insight. As much as he looks for how things may correct in our favor, he also has no problem saying how things change or bust. He has a better long range nose than most in the business. Nut
  7. I love the outdoors, snowmobiling, hunting and winter weather, but have always been a weather nut.

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