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Everything posted by pasnownut

  1. Sorry to hear that man. Yeah this will get ugly quick when peeps start running out if things. I agree with everything but have a little prob with the Cowboys. Hehe. Just kidding. You do you and I’ll be glad to sit next to you drink a brew watching them play (Lose) to the eagles. I’ll buy first round. btw peeps snowing nicely in the north woods. Here’s to better days gang.
  2. Sorry pal....if anyone deserves snow....its you. Models have seemed to jump north again (seasonal tendency), but hey....it snowed today....so why not tomorrow? Man I hope we can be back at it next year. I miss the good ol' days. GFS seemed a tic warmer, but it appears that 80N crew could get a shot at ground whitening w/ rt 6 crew doing best with Allegheny and NC mountains having the winning tix. Thermal profiles seem to point to areas suggested being most capable of getting late season surprise. Wish i was headed to cabin. BTW, my son had 3" up in Tioga last Saturday. I saw pics. It was legit.
  3. You always speak so eloquently. So well stated...especially the testing part. Can you imagine how many cases have gone "untested"? THAT is what some of us are wrestling with, and using for any counterargument to how bad it really is". "My " side says that for what we do know...there is far more data that we will never know....and that variable likely would have a great skew to the mean. That said, with CV19....Early mitigation was essential...no doubt.
  4. 4 people is surely tragic. No doubt about it. Sorry to hear of it and for the losses bud. Glad you're niece is part of the 20% that got off the ventilator. On the other side, I also know of many that don't know anyone or very few that have been affected.....and I'm in Lancaster...the local "hotspot". I'm sure you can understand why they feel the way they do.... I personally have heard of of a husband and wife...through a friend of my wife. He a cardiologist who gave it to his wife. Both are ok . While it is undeniable that mitigation and social distancing are effective....we can do that while at work . THAT is the big rub right now. My son works in heavy equipment. His stance....''noone can get 30-50' from me because of my equipment....and yet i cant work ''. See my point? Current solution isnt applicable to everyone.
  5. Guys its just getting hard to sit and watch this happen. Not for one second do I (nor any that share my feelings) discount the legitimate concerns, but we are allowed to dislike some of what is happening. That does not mean we don't agree w/ certain aspects. If we are all friends, then we need to be able to be honest w/ one another, and as iv'e been here for many years, I consider you all good friends, and yeah, I talk freely. Remember gang.....Agreeing w/ people is no prerequisite to friendship. One can learn the most from those we disagree w/ , as they can open ones eyes to the "other side". Think about it. We are in this together. If you disagree w/ me, then friggin have at it. I'm not perfect, but I'm not gonna sit back and sugar coat sh!t. And that's just what some of this is. I care about every one in here....and that's not debatable. My opinions....well....maybe so.
  6. really.... second hand smoke being hit by another vehicle suicide caused by societal stresses/work....etc I can keep going if you'd like me to but i dont want to get into an argument and parse over details. The problem with your "highly contagious and asymptomatic" statement is that if that IS the case, it would only further skew the argument against your concerns as some "experts" think this may have been here long before the first case was diagnosed, or test was available to classify it. To be as blatant as possible, we are doing something that no matter what the real numbers are (and from what we all are hearing - are still highly debatable) to protect a relatively small percentage at the expense of 100% of us.... For many of us, this was NOT the choice we would have taken. If you (rhetorically) are scared and wanna stay home....stay home. I'm not scared whatsoever....and I'll use my social distancing skills and get back at it.
  7. This has been my biggest worry from early on. You could see how everyone has bought into the pandemic to epic proportions. Again, not diminishing ANY loss of life, but like i stated a few weeks back, many people die every day from things that can and cannot be avoided, and many of those deaths are far worse/lengthly than CV19 imo, but to me dead is dead. I dont care what the cause...its out there, but its called life...and before this mess.....we were all living and accepting it. Smokers make a choics Drinkers make a choice People who are around smokers make a choice.(second hand smoke related lung cancer - #1 cause btw) people who are around drinkers make a choice (drunk driving) we all used to drive to work and for play...and make a choice welders make a choice........ soldiers make a choice first responders make a choice truck drivers make a choice (just for you voyager) greasy hamburger eaters make a choice just eating poorly folk make a choice I can keep going if y'all want me to....... Point is.....we cannot stop or control everything, and we elect to take risk by doing what we feel is worth it/necessary. Having a job is a must for 98.3% of us, and while I've got my nest egg, I/we cant wait for a vaccine/testing 12-18 months. That will take far too long, so we are going to just have to buck up and add the risk onto whatever your personal risk list is.... and get back at it. Sorry guys, but hearing that we are likely extending, is petrifying me as to what it does to so many individuals/businesses. I feel so sad for how this will ruin so many lives - let alone the stresses it will create societally. God help us.....
  8. Just saw my flizzard (just light snow shower), so yeah, get it outta and get it warm here so we have one thing working for us to get the craziness outta here
  9. Not even close down here in Jipville......
  10. so well stated... Dont like his persona,( I mean i literally cringe sometimes), but I respect what he is trying to do from a governance perspective. Running a govt It isnt a job for a sissy. There is no "one size fits all" approach to the diversity of businesses affected. it people are scared....let them have the choice to stay the hell home. For those that arent scared, let us get back at it (using our new social distance skills weve learned/perfected). This HAS TO HAPPEN, and for those that say not....where do you think the funding comes from for the burden that is about to come as a result from elongating this pandemic? You seriously have to have a valid answer for that statement to respond.
  11. agreed Mike.... I have typically hated spring, but as i age (like fine wine mind you), I appreciate all seasons and what they bring. Be well.
  12. we had a nice t storm overnight. I enjoyed it. I too am ready for sun and warmth so we can kill da bug and get back to life. F snow....yep i said it.
  13. No. see link below. It was not made public until Jan 9 and shared to the world, as they thought it had SARS similarities, but then debunked that. I can totally understand based on timeline below how and why our Govt acted the way they did based on said info/intel. I get a little hot when all of the sunday morning qb's lob jabs (and this is something i feel about EVERY administration, not just the current one) - mind you no other administration has had to deal with this in or lifetimes. Obama administration would have used the same playbook, and I totally think we acted as best we could based on what we did/didnt know. https://www.axios.com/timeline-the-early-days-of-chinas-coronavirus-outbreak-and-cover-up-ee65211a-afb6-4641-97b8-353718a5faab.html
  14. I love JB for what we can learn from him, and have followed him for decades. but he did go off the political deep end a bit. I quite WB some time ago, so no long have acess.
  15. your point is a valid one, but be reminded that i posted cancer and heart death totals based off of 2017 averages, as to make a point....and that point being that a lot of people die EVERY day as a result....not to minimize the concerns wrt CV19. One needs to be reminded that even when we can get the data points you request, the numbers for CV19 include that. Point I'm trying to drive home.....dead is dead. Not being harsh, just being real.
  16. but thats also contingent on the world treating it seriously and getting out in front of it. Can anyone imagine if the President left the doors open to the world.....That in my mind really helped to slow the spread.
  17. Ive heard that if they would have shared the news 3 weeks earlier, that a 95% reduction in worldwide cases could have been likely.
  18. this was shared here the other day.....good source https://infection2020.com/ Using the mortality stats from 2017 cancer and heart disease averages that i posted earlier to get an idea of where we are. Hope this helps to understand how some of us view #'s Period 3/1/20 thru 4/7/20 = 38 days heart disease deaths - 67,374 cancer deaths - 62,358 CV 19 - 12,298 as of 38 min ago
  19. Something for you to chew on at lunch.....I posted to keep this in perspective. I did the math for you... heart disease deaths per day - 1773 cancer deaths per day - 1641 CV 19 in past 24 hrs - 1496 (which we are likely nearing peak) As per CDC https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/deaths.htm Deaths and Mortality Data are for the U.S. Number of deaths: 2,813,503 Death rate: 863.8 deaths per 100,000 population Life expectancy: 78.6 years Infant Mortality rate: 5.79 deaths per 1,000 live births Source: Deaths: Final Data for 2017, tables 1, 3, 13 pdf icon[PDF – 2 MB] Number of deaths for leading causes of death: Heart disease: 647,457 Cancer: 599,108 Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936 Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201 Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383 Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404 Diabetes: 83,564 Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,672 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 50,633 Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173
  20. Ive heard non of the sort....but have heard signs of improvement chatter..... If we go to may/june.....I and MANY MANY others will have tons of time to troll on here..... I'm sorry but to those that say that are overreaching and helping to inspire fear that is not necessary right now. This pandemic will continue to look different every week, and there is nothing wrong with looking at the distant light that wasn't shining a short time ago. This is no staycation for ANY in the private sector. Those I know that are furloughed or unemployed are scared shitless of being without a job or income. Like it or not, that's a most valid concern. At some reasonable point we've got to man up and face it. I've got my nest egg and will be fine, but i fear for so many that do not. THEY are who i'm feeling for...not myself.
  21. as I'm commissioned sales....they want me to get whatever i possibley can right now, so I too am lucky. But to every unemployed "non essential" person.....you ARE essential and the backbone of business. The business minded part of the convos realizes that, and some of us need you to do well, know and appreciate that. I have never placed business above life and death, but there are many ways to die, and wide scale unemployment and the stresses it puts on 10's of millions right now is ABSOLUTELY an important part of the conversation. I too understand the fear, but agree 1000%, that we cant do this forever. At some point we are going to have to pull our pants on and get back at it. Remember folks....as sad as it is, we all will die of something at sometime. Fortunately we live in a time where science and technology can bend that curve, but that said, something WILL get us in the end. Thats just me being a dieheard realist, and not afraid of what may get me, but to each is own.
  22. Is that a problem?? We do need to open up someday soon. If one payed attention early on, we've known for almost 3 weeks now that this was going to be the worst period, and that mitigation would take hold and flatten the curve. Bye and large this is evolving as expected (macro scale here). There should be no surprise in that. Im gessing some dont live in the private sector like i do. Anyone involved in management HAS to be talking about this. That discussion does not negate the legitimate concerns of COVID 19 whatsoever, but it ABSOLUTELY is the main part of the conversation. I will constantly go to the CDC H1N1 vs CV 19 graphs at the end of this pandemic to see what the end result really looks like. From what i've seen, he has never said now....but he has said as soon as possible and with consult to his advisors. Unless i'm watching the wrong president, thats been the general theme of his stance on business. While I don't like his persona at all, and he is quite "unpresidential", I feel rather confident in the steps taken by his team, and I'm not here to judge every word they say....nor will i live and die by it, but I'm absolutely paying attention... While he often makes me cringe....he is spot on in his "we cannot make the cure be worse than the cause" approach..... There HAS to be a balance...like it or not. This is uncharted territory and while there are always various ways to look at this, they ALL need considered. Hope yall are well. Looking forward to the other side. Nut
  23. fixed. this is Pa ya know. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying spring. I hate this.....this sucks.... Is what it is.......bored outta my friggin skull...but the honeydoo list will be gone when the all clear sounds....gonna enjoy living life again. Be well. Nut
  24. Thanks man. We'll be ok, but I'm more concerned about the "coming back" part. We should have jobs to come back to, but the damage to business/industries is being done, and we wont just ROAR back in action. It will take months and months. That's when the real damage to non tax payer funded industries will be realized. This has been my worry for some time....and NO....I'm not forgetting for one second about the root cause for this. We need a steady hand on the wheel, and I will say that the federal response has been comprehensive and overall, I think they are doing a rather admirable job....all things considered. Yes, there are challenges and shortcomings for sure, but given the overall scope of the situation..... I suggested over a week ago that we need to be cautious at how hard we sound the alarms for this very reason. We cannot afford fear and panic to overwhelm....and we are teetering. Be well everyone.
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