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Everything posted by pasnownut

  1. see you in 14 days....................... #selfquaranteencauseicrossedstatelines btw your secrets safe w/ us...........
  2. if we can have a little fun in these f'd up times..... I'm big enough to poke a little fun at myself....(see what i did there AGAIN)
  3. are ANY of us............. really?? If you are....write a book....I'll buy it.... In other news, its gonna snow......holy crap. May 8/9 n snow...whoodathunk
  4. was thinking the same thing.... thought i was done playin w/ my wood for the year...........
  5. If only you were wrong, but from the last few winters, you're more right.
  6. On the bright side, it now can literally snow 8 months out of the year in PA....not just the Rockies. actually since we cant do shit in this state right now, sitting and watching it snow would be just fine w/ me. I am looking forward to the warmer weather though.....yes, I said it. I think we all could use a boost to our psyche
  7. is that you or your wife talking.......... For some of us....the snow is more likely to verify.....
  8. also snowed in Wellsboro to coudersport areas. Nice dusting on the cams.
  9. otoh we should probably stop all the grown men sleeping naked chatter.... but for fun....just picture the faces you know in here vs what you think we all look like.....then sans clothing. enjoy the chuckle... this is my guess for Sauss. (this is just for fun. love ya bro!!) Hope that former softball slayin daughter of yours is doing well now that shes all graduated n stuff.
  10. so did I. Was 70 in my room at 1 am. We'll just say i was in mid summer attire.....or lack of
  11. WHAATT....we dont know the truth..... seems like we can get accurate information about anything anymore....hehe....sorta. If we take the mean of the 2....I lose ...but that was a pretty decent spitball nontheless.... enjoy the sun.
  12. my grass seed is now in my neighbors yard.........again. He owes ME a beer or 2
  13. Per NWS site, I tallied 1.89 https://w1.weather.gov/data/obhistory/KLNS.html just playin....really didnt matter to me as i was just spittballin anyway.... just like voyager....us lanco folk know how to do jipped pretty well also. I'd still buy beers for the fun of it tho....
  14. Did you hear Lanco totals? asking for a friend.....
  15. troegenator was a good one as well. We want to go through the plant.
  16. when he said waterboarding in harrisburg.... I though of its uses in getting truth out....so my mind went to some leadership there....joking of course....sorta.....ok... I am jokin....
  17. pretty much done here and while I may get eeked out on my 2"' guess for my yard... I think my IPT to Bloom jackpot is in decent shape.
  18. never tried it but have heard of it. Stouts are my new beer "toy" Chocolate and Lancaster brewing strawberry wheat is yummy ( i know where shall i place my man card....:)
  19. I might just treat myself if I can find it.
  20. I'm good for throwin back a few stones (usually someone brings that stuff to cabin). Most dont think I'm worth the good stuff
  21. I'd suggest not telling me your address. THAT is freakin GREAT beer!!
  22. IBU lower than mid 40's and I'm in...otherwise I'm bringin something else fr me.
  23. You (any) really think the fetch off the bay really plays in? Serious question as i've thought that during winter storms, but pooh poohed it cause it was never suggested by anyone else.
  24. yeah thats a soaker alright. This heavy band is right over us, so we'll see how the next hour or 2 goes. If it holds up (as it appears to be blossoming more than I thought it would...Im gonna be buying beer....AND eatin crow. I think I'll eat the crow first then chase it w/ da beer.
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