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Everything posted by pasnownut

  1. Yeah saw that yesterday. Ugh... my lawn is already showing stress....new grass especially. Bummer.
  2. nice evening on porch last night. Looking forward to another tonight. Hope ya'll are doing well. Nutzers
  3. Yeah, I'll be outside as soon as I can get there. Gotta beg for some business first....:(
  4. My kid will be at cabin with friends. Cant wait to hear how cold it gets on the mountaintop (2300')
  5. Got a lawn watering this am. Looking forward to the nice weekend. Hope y'all are doing well
  6. We've been doing the same. Takeout 2x/week, but our local places know us personally, and I know how tough this has been on them. Were not rich by any means, but were gonna do our part to support them. My birthday was tuesday, so this weekend is a late happybdaytome. lol If my work doesnt start picking up soon.....I'm going to be eating my grass outback and harvesting rabbits n squirrels for supper...heck maybe the groundhog too. Will see how long n ugly business stays. Hoping for better times soon gang.
  7. absolutely.... 1 each day....maybe 2. I've gotta do my part to help my community....even if its thru my belly.....
  8. I'm tellin ya....it IS like someone pulled the rug out from under the earth and flipped shit all upside down and sideways. I do approve of this map though as it cuts in to the hot n stickies. Watch....it'll be 80 for Christmas this year.
  9. Hang in their Voyager....were all in this together. BTW, 3 rotator surgeries for me and potentially #4 looming. It gets easier as you add em up . In truth....they fukin suck. No way to sugar coat. Take the disco cookies to sleep, and bust your ass in the PT....it is worth it. You'll be alright.
  10. Heading up for our delayed (but not denied) cinco de mayo turk n trout weekend at the cabin this weekend. Cant wait. My niece is up there now and has seen snow every day since saturday.
  11. Nope. Just had a couple snow showers pass through while mowing saturday afternoon.
  12. Just heard from a friend. 3” at cabin in tioga
  13. oh....and its snowing in coudersport http://www.swedenhillsnocam.com/
  14. yeah, people are PISSED at the extension for sure. They keep looking for reasons to keep areas supressed, and while yes there are areas of concern, MANY areas are turning the corner and should be able to start. He is really shittin in his nest right now. Pressing his narrative needs to STOP.
  15. just f'd up times folks.....f'd up times. Thanks for the explanation Bubbles . ( I make jokes/jabs at people I like so take it in fun).....and now its your turn to get me.
  16. Im sorry, but thats setting a wrong precedent IMO.....unless one can share valid health reasoning as to why they cant work. IF we open this up, its just the start to many things being questioned as to why some dont want to work. I do realize there are 2 sides to this argument, but its a dangerous precedent to set IMO
  17. and to put the math to my/our frustration. Just the facts man.....just the facts.....they dont lie. 5/8/20 update PA population - 12,800,000 total cases - 56552 (.004% of total) aged living cases - 36758 (.0028%) others - 19793 (.00154%) deaths - 3670 (.000286%) aged living deaths - 2385 (.000186%) others - 1284 (.0000100%) (using the 65% criteria for aged living)
  18. 65% of ALL cases in PA have been in aged living communities. Thats the frustration for many i know. Isolate and protect them, and the rest of us should be able to go about our business.
  19. you really believe the bolded part holds water?? While nothing surprises me anymore, I just cant see that. This isnt AIDS.
  20. if you own it and pay taxes on it.....absolutely. If you are just renting and need a break for mental wellness.....absolutely. Good answer????
  21. if we wanna live at all right now.....we have to. SO sad....
  22. did canderson make it back from his anniv voyage to DC or did he get acosted at da border.....
  23. one last sucker punch before we put the snow goggles away for the summer. At least we knew that being May and all....this one had long odds to overcome. Like Mag suggested the other day....still some anomalously cold air for this time of year. still think laurels to sullivan/susquehanna co. get one last frosting for the season.
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