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Everything posted by pasnownut

  1. same here. Just need to be 20 miles w of fall line and I'm all in....every time...
  2. says the guy who lives 50 miles west of the typical fall line....lol
  3. 500's showing a little less ridging at 72. Too early to see if it helps.
  4. verbatim.....we taint. Early panels showed a more norther solution in midwest. Keep both eyes on that. Primary needs to die a timely death or just not be too strong so that we get overrunning and not cooked thermals while waiting for coastal to pop 12z held onto primary longer, but looks to recover and coastal starts to take over and save the day
  5. I think it fair to say that there is enough consensus that we have a storm coming. Current goalposts are as follows left post - primary hangs on too long-wrecks thermals, delayed transfer to coast, sloppy transfer to coast-think miller b jip zone right post - coastal tucks inland and SE Pa sees mixing issues, coastal pops too late and its congrats NJ, coastal too far ots and pulls best snows too far east Current feeling is that we are sitting pretty here in central and eastern Pa. (if one blends EPS and GFS). While enough big hits are showing up, I'd still think a 4-8" deal is rather likely, and there is enough wiggle room remaining to keep that in play, unless we start seeing something trend away from what most models are showing. its not like we are pulling for 1 model, as they all have something decent to offer.
  6. Been on my mind as well. A bad handoff would wreck dreams of many snow weenies. Thats why B's make me nervous. GFS and CMC had some sloppy handoffs showing, so hoping todays runs clean up a bit.
  7. Living a happy life is learning to compromise. We'll all be happy w/ an EPS/GFS compromise. See....that was easy.
  8. Long duration is a win no matter how it stacks up (well as long as it stacks up enough to play in). 6z GFS says the same snow late morning sunday right into tuesday morning rush hour. AND......if thats not enough, it looks like more opps coming on the heels of next weeks event. Takeaway is it looks and feels like normal winter....and normal is good.
  9. That’s what we needed to hear. Less mixy means he’s cavin to the king.
  10. Nice post. That low cluster to the western side still would be great for many inland and ok here in LSV although more taint possible. Cluster just off the Chesapeake bay seams reasonable given spread shown.
  11. Wow. I didn’t look at color maps. Just 500s and surface. Good to see it coming in line. This might actually happen.
  12. Nice tick in the right direction and a couple moves away from a whopper. Primary dies a bit quicker death and once secondary pops it comes up and stalls then crawls up and out. Verbatim it also shows a prolonged event with approx around 48 hrs of snow.
  13. No explanation needed and well stated. Just playin.
  14. Thx Debbie... that was fun for 1 hour though....you gotta admit. I'm playin around cause the potential and setup look better, but reality doesnt always see it that way, so I'm just savoring the moment and hoping for more moments.
  15. so fitting i couldnt resist. This is you and you know it.
  16. BTW, verbatim the Euro shows the LSV snowing basically from 144- 178 (spitballing 6hr panels). Even if that only amounts to a shovelable snowfall.....I'm down w/ that.
  17. Thats what i was hoping we'd get for this "event". Got ice skates??
  18. 12z Euro transferred earlier which helped greatly IMO. EPS control is just NSFW (compared to what we've been seeing of late). Takeaways are we've got ducks on the friggin pond again....and a big honkin goose as well. Who's gonna cave? I think Mag nailed it when you look at 500's and ridging out west. it makes a big difference here in the east and todays runs are starting to see that. Chips slide to the foreign/Northern models. Onto happy hour.
  19. also to add to above, the GFSs late handoff would present thermal issues into same areas that saw them today, as lover levels would warm while waiting for secondary to pop. The "others" would not present that worry as SLP stay under and East saving our precious thermals.
  20. the transfer on the GFS looks much less appealing when one looks at the ICON/Euro and even CMC. In my mind, GFS oozes dryslot w/ spacing issues it shows. That's all I'm getting at. The "others" just look more clean and consolidated (even though CMC was a bit wonky and strung out). In my eyes its the GFS holding the primary longer that makes it look less appetizing. Plenty more runs to decipher, but hey....we're trackin.
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