I think it fair to say that there is enough consensus that we have a storm coming.
Current goalposts are as follows
left post - primary hangs on too long-wrecks thermals, delayed transfer to coast, sloppy transfer to coast-think miller b jip zone
right post - coastal tucks inland and SE Pa sees mixing issues, coastal pops too late and its congrats NJ, coastal too far ots and pulls best snows too far east
Current feeling is that we are sitting pretty here in central and eastern Pa. (if one blends EPS and GFS). While enough big hits are showing up, I'd still think a 4-8" deal is rather likely, and there is enough wiggle room remaining to keep that in play, unless we start seeing something trend away from what most models are showing. its not like we are pulling for 1 model, as they all have something decent to offer.