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Everything posted by pasnownut

  1. and if 75 percent of this Euro Ens verifies, most approach climo in 2 storms.
  2. Thats about as good a look as the forum could ask for wrt widespread thumpage. Not often do we see that.....cept our December dealeeo.
  3. for those worried about coastal....looky here. Focus on trough axis. This message was sponsored by the letters J and U 24 hours ago and overnights. Perfect placement and more neg tilt says easter solutions less likely IMO
  4. and to your point, give us the qpf, and we'll let the chips fall where they may.
  5. Oh and nada here in Lanco... anxiously awaiting. Sounds close. Good luck everyone!
  6. BTW, no matter what we get w/ this deal, a quick glance at overnights says we have more winter coming Just giddy I am.
  7. Not at all. Were having fun here. plus....he lives in Texas....what does he know about snow
  8. In truth the easter solutions save our thermals in the LSV, even if it takes away from true central, its our way to the promise land here in Lanco. gnight
  9. Thats a good way to sign off. Getting close enough that I know its gonna snow. Tomorrow is a big day, and I'm gonna get some sleep and be ready to enjoy every minute of a hopefully memorable event. And to the night shift...if the King shits the bed, just ban me from the forum....you wont wanna hear what I have to say. I'm officially sucked in and have upped my bar to 10-14. Pushes all chips in................................... Night all.
  10. Gotta say the primary ticked w a bit and the words slotted and skipped started bouncing around in my noggin but ended up being music to my ears. Coastal pummels.
  11. Not hating the GFS. Little better ccb's I think many will approve shortly.
  12. Yesterday I counted 46 on one model, so I'm taking that as a +. Just sayin....
  13. Absolutely. Win lose or draw this has been a really fun storm to track, and it sure hasnt been clean n easy.
  14. It’s been my bar for 3 days. To say I’m not slightly sucked in by the big totals being tossed around my hood would be a lie.
  15. Gotta say this east gig being shown is a bit of an eye opener. Hope it’s just a blip on da digital snow radar.
  16. But it’s sure nice to watch on screen. That loop is pure Pornographic for eastern pa
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