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Everything posted by pasnownut

  1. I think you'll end up right. Even if the zonal flow being advertised comes, the occasional blue bowling ball (like the one Tims snow comes from) will make for a much more autumnal feel for us here in the east. See the blues blowing up out west w/ the upper air pattern moving forward tells us just to be patient.
  2. queing blizz and paweather in 3.... 2.... 1... hehe. Even if it is a false positive, it tells us were getting closer and thats good enough for this guy.
  3. look north. its coming. Finish the loop and watch the trough get forced under. 4 days later, its deep autumn. Blue precip east of the Miss. as well. Mind you this is parsing a 300hr panel of an op run, but even Ens guidance blows the stickies back to bermuda...where they belong.
  4. To add, if we remove the humidity, there would be a lot less bitching and worrying about temp departures from normal. 75 and no humidity....where can i sign?
  5. yeah its rather crazy to think that for the next week that we will not see a nighttime/daytime temp swing of > 15-25 deg, but if one looks at overnighters, your statement is correct. In keeping hope alive, our first shot at autumn looms post D8-9 as we look to change the regime to a rather boring/zonal one as UL ridging turns into a pancake, and verbatim it extends through the rest of the Ens runs. GEPS a little less bullish, but overall consensus seems to be headed that way. I'll take some boring W/E flow any day over the sticky shit.... I've really...really had my fill of it.
  6. looping current pattern has that ugly super cutter pattern w/ S/SW flow. I've really come to hate that look.
  7. started looking like that yesterday morning as well. Didnt look at overnighters, but like sauss, I want a dry weekend.
  8. CTP says MEH..... Clear skies tonight with light/calm wind. Some valley fog is again expected across many of the valleys. Frost potential is still there, but may only be worth mentions of patchy frost due to the potential for sct-bkn lower clouds to be around across the north where temps should have the best potential to get into the m30s. However, it could be colder along and a bit south of I-80 where a clear sky is more-likely. Will revisit frost potential after more data arrives and collab can happen.
  9. want my nice answer......or my real one. Boring and season is WAAAYYYYY too long for me to hold interest. I laugh when baseball peeps in May are cackling how there team is in trouble. I tell them, you still have 120+ games to get it right.....
  10. They are just for fun and most know that. Do they give false hope....yes and no. They are sort of like baseball talk in a weather forum.....something to do while we wait for the weather we enjoy....baseball talk does nothing for me, but for those that enjoy, it passes the time. At least they are related to what the forum is here for. In defense of snow maps, I think those of us that "use" them, do it more from a probablity perspective, and when NAM is spitting out crazy colors, we usually dont buy in to anything more than the fact that the likelyhood of something happening is increasingly likely. Thats how I use them anyway. Now back to baseball.............
  11. Yeah, but that might be a little challenging on 10/2. :). I'm old enough to just appreciate a good time w/ good people....no matter where or when....it's all good.
  12. you bet. Just given choice I'd be in colorado seeing my kid (or somewhere out West) and seeing the Aspens and autumns splendor in full view. 28yrs for me.
  13. friggin hillarious. This is classic (and one reason I dont venture). Not at all afraid of someone w/ a big eog/head, just dont need that shit anymore.
  14. My anniversary is Saturday, so I agree. Unfortunately she wants to do the beach thingy.....see how well I compromise? Not really a beach guy.
  15. I perused in there early on, and yeah...not my gig. Too many "expert opinions" mixed w/ personal emotion....dangerous and not why im here....and really shouldnt be something to debate....hence my "you do you.....".
  16. No interest in debates anymore. My new phrase is "you do you, and I'll do me". Plenty enough info for all of us to come to our own conclusions and be willing to live/die w/ them...and I know some that have done both. Just my .02 BTW, i got the jab for all that may have 'pre judged me" based off previous comments. Wasnt happy bout it, but my approach works for me, but I didnt do it to be included into the "club". Not at all.
  17. Nice. You picked a great game to go to...i only saw hightlights but nice pick for sure.
  18. Fall looks to get underway in the next hour or so here in the LSV. Seeing the lower temps from you Westers has me rather giddy and excited to see this moist weather be gone for hopefully the rest of the year. Happy Autumn all!
  19. did you see my klns precip summary from above? I heard a few showers overnight, but when I left for work, it was just damp. I did sleep like a rock tho, so maybe I missed some of it.
  20. Yeah, I guess the bust I saw was for yesterday evenings calls that didnt really verify. From my limited view, overnight and this AM looked to be when the goods would come....and they sure did. A W is a W, even if not totally to script. Take it and run
  21. and fwiw, that last line definately saved the forecast totals for the LSV. True central looks to be the big winners tho.
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