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Everything posted by pasnownut

  1. I was just throwing a bit of weather chat in amongst the football chatter.... My apologies...........can y'all forgive me.
  2. If one has been following the progression (and earlier attempts at retrograding), it should at least raise an eyebrow to uncertainty for saturday as a stall of some sort remains a possibility.
  3. NBD. Lets just say they got a little moister.
  4. 24hr qpf got wetter for saturday. Thats all Im getting at. I think we all agree tomorrow is no day to pay for a car wash.
  5. and here is the NAM's qpf through Sat. If one toggles, you'll see its wetter. I'm betting on wetter as it gets closer.
  6. hmmm....moist to me....but what do I know....I'm from Lanco.
  7. hehe. I prefer horse drawn trailer w/ hay bails.....and a keg. Oh and candy - almost forgot that part
  8. I saw a couple hints of frost on shaded grass and a couple rooftops on way to work this am. Not heavy whatsoever, but after almost 53 years of searching for frozen particles....it was undeniably frost. Almost got out of SUV to touch it...I'm whacked like that.
  9. Why yes.....yes it is. Just needs to eek about 1600 miles east. http://www.snowgrabber.com/
  10. thats what i did w/ my eagles last weekend (and likely more weekends in the future).
  11. true dat.....buuuttttt...........there's nothing better then getting a good ol' NAMing ya know......we ARE a weird bunch aren't we?? If we are weird, then so be it....I'm down w/ hanging w/ my weather pals
  12. Dude, I go outside for 10 min.....I come in a quart low........ I miss bats.
  13. nooners - Just a fun spin on calling them midday runs....think weather porn and come to your own conclusions Like Sauss already has....
  14. He posted the snowmap first....so if it happens, he gets his name on it....
  15. absolutely. It cant be cold everywhere at once, and we just need a pattern flip to get our turn. Wouldnt expect a permanent flip, but transient cold fronts is what normal autumn is all about.
  16. I think you'll end up right. Even if the zonal flow being advertised comes, the occasional blue bowling ball (like the one Tims snow comes from) will make for a much more autumnal feel for us here in the east. See the blues blowing up out west w/ the upper air pattern moving forward tells us just to be patient.
  17. queing blizz and paweather in 3.... 2.... 1... hehe. Even if it is a false positive, it tells us were getting closer and thats good enough for this guy.
  18. look north. its coming. Finish the loop and watch the trough get forced under. 4 days later, its deep autumn. Blue precip east of the Miss. as well. Mind you this is parsing a 300hr panel of an op run, but even Ens guidance blows the stickies back to bermuda...where they belong.
  19. To add, if we remove the humidity, there would be a lot less bitching and worrying about temp departures from normal. 75 and no humidity....where can i sign?
  20. yeah its rather crazy to think that for the next week that we will not see a nighttime/daytime temp swing of > 15-25 deg, but if one looks at overnighters, your statement is correct. In keeping hope alive, our first shot at autumn looms post D8-9 as we look to change the regime to a rather boring/zonal one as UL ridging turns into a pancake, and verbatim it extends through the rest of the Ens runs. GEPS a little less bullish, but overall consensus seems to be headed that way. I'll take some boring W/E flow any day over the sticky shit.... I've really...really had my fill of it.
  21. looping current pattern has that ugly super cutter pattern w/ S/SW flow. I've really come to hate that look.
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