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Everything posted by pasnownut

  1. I miss snow already. Got a feeling that I'll be cave dwelling this spring/summer. Warmth is more enjoyable than it used to be, but I find little joy in searching for it, as its always around the corner. I'll just be outside enjoying whatever comes my way. I hope everyone here can do the same. Good food for the soul. Also as we've historically seen the 1 sided slander, and it's going to be hard to just "sit back" and take it (like many of us have over the years), so out of respect, I'll just step away as well. My work is surely suffering (and it was expected), so it's probably best that I type less and work more. I just hope we can all agree that something needed done, and there were always going to be winners and losers no matter how it is done. I feel for those affected, and hope that as good ones are displaced, that the private sector snatches them up and their worth is realized. As I've helped to run a business, sat on a board of directors for 7 yrs., hired and fired, I now am a fully commission based employee. Every month my numbers (report) is shared with all senior management....and while I may be in the cave this spring/summer....I surely can't hide in there, as it wont feed me and mine. I can understand the gravity of making difficult decisions... I've made them, and saw how it affected people. It's never taken lightly. Ground truth is that facts and feelings don't always jive when the word "work" is being discussed. My best friend always says to our crew...especially the kids (mine included)...."they call it work for a reason....its your job". Timely and really resonates... No matter where you sit, y'all are extended family to me, and welcome at my table. TTFN
  2. Its a shame that his posting style is what it is.... I'll take 10 JB's over 1 DT. at least jb admits when he busts. DT goes down scorched earth in a blaze if fire/smoke and just hammers peeps who call him out.
  3. All good man. All good. If the pic shared is correct, I was wrong about his photo. Just remember darkish theme.
  4. Thought we covered that. Yes, you are correct. If memory serves his screen pic had some dark hooded grim reaperish kinda thing going on. I remember him.
  5. whattdya think of me......??? Dont answer that.....
  6. You and I are very similar. I make myself the "target" to make others feel at ease, as I'm a jokester and spare noone...me included. Some peeps struggle w/ the give an take of snyd comments, even when intended for fun. That's not your problem, but that IS how life goes. I know it sucks, but you did nothing wrong, as you spread out the ribbin by including many in here. You know I was on his ignore list for many moons. I hope Bubbles can come around and realize that intentions here are not malicious. It was a funny read, and he's one of us. BTW, if yall want todays temp rundown from city to stream, I'm happy to share
  7. Yeah it sure looks like there's still stuff coming at us. Just gotta hope for a couple more dips in the jet in the east with a well timed vort. BTW 147 miles on sleds on Saturday. SOLID 6-7" otg at the cabin. Plow on UTV struggled to bust through. Its not going anywhere fast up there. Hoping for 1 or 2 rides before we close the curtains on a much better year than expected.
  8. Dude. You say the same stuff over and over and over. Bitchin about it here does nothing to fix it. Please take your complaints to the NWS complaint dept. They'll be happy to assist you. Good grief its old.
  9. thats moderately acceptable Burning barrel said 2" on top of the snow and ice from prior event, and sleds are coming into colton point. Perfect. Hope you get up and enjoy soon as well.
  10. to add to a workable pattern, as wavelengths shorten and seasons begin to change, sometimes it can be the extra spark that is needed for late season lovin. Gotta keep things close enough for that to happen...and it appears that were just that. Close enough. Headed to the cabin tomorrow night to do a little snowmobiling w/ my son. REALLY looking forward to it. Northwoods are solidly white for those in need of a fix.
  11. Nooners say keep hook n rope handy. Tryin to yank us back in. While not a great look, sure shows chances still coming. Good looks havent worked out, so I say its time to shoehorn one in the less than perfect way.
  12. @Itstrainingtime never cease to amaize us with your word wizardry. As usual…very well done. car thermo was 26 on way home.
  13. Which has added up to about 2" otg, and was largely undermodeled and forecasted hehe
  14. Isnt pornhub a lot easier?? askin for a friend.
  15. Long sleeve shorts kinda day?? Us normal folk call em pants.
  16. U like southern sliders eh... J/k Yeah lookin over the med/long range, we are not yet done w/ more chances at something....or nothing I'm really happy to see maps like this. Lets keep the train rolling as long as we can, cause we are runnin shorter on time for a pattern reload. GFS looked ripe w/ a continuation of chances. I like it.
  17. I think it absolutely will. BUT, what one can hope for is a little better interaction w/ the SL and the ULL. Thats all I'm rootin for. GFS just showed a touch of that happening. Not much, but a small step twds a little somethin. By HH it could jog back S, but for now we hope for whatever we can eek out of it...which is no mucho down here.
  18. The potentially good news, it that we have about 5-6 model runs to keep the drama alive and well. Pace yourself w/ the fingernail chewin. Like some of us have been suggesting, a norther correction (based on base state for me) was a legit possibility, but after the year we've been having, I've little faith/confidence in that, but it has been in the back of my mind since late last week. Just thought itd happen a tad sooner. Dunno how this shakes down, but it'd be nice to see this pull back west a bit. For now, its just one model run.
  19. QPF ticked a nice bit N as well. As I said above, hoping today is turnaround day. PV is legit, and not sure how much it can gain latitude, but let's hope.
  20. Yep. When I saw your first post, I was shaking my head a bit. You recovered well. Bleeding stopped a bit?? I'm not gonna be around today. On road all day, so hoping nooners and HH has some norther ticks back in it.
  21. Not your first rodeo eh? I'm on the ITT train and think tomorrows the big day (if we can eek some sorta comeback out). Good news is that it wouldnt take much to get us back into somethin appreciable.
  22. I'm not lookin for any forks yet, mind you, but it's sure not making this one easy for us. Hoping tomorrow the NS tells us a little better tale as to backside action and how it interacts w/ SLP. IF we can get any stoppage of the souther stuff tonight, that'd be what I'd be watchin if I were staying up. I'm headed to bed. Gnight gang.
  23. was just noticing that as well. Notable tick s and less ridging. Might still be ok, but was a step away from what we were hoping for.
  24. I've been quiet since the souther stuff started, because it didnt look or feel right when looking at 500's, so I've basically sat back to see if we get a more normal correction north (I suggested that late last week. Nam has the right idea, but w/ the globals further SE, it surely does feel like the "good ol' days". NAM could be off its rocker as well. Will be fun to see how this shakes out. IF its gonna correct, it would start rather soon.
  25. I've said it before, we've become a "point n click" society and peeps think everything they see on there PC's or phones is instant and 100 accurate. Weather has proven countless times to alway hold the cards. That should be the fun in it, and not the distain...we'll thats how I think most of us feel. We just know better. Hoping for the comeback runs in the next day or so.
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