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Everything posted by WmsptWx

  1. Size queen Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  2. Yes and why am I hungry now? Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  3. The fine denizens of East Nantmeal township would disagree...
  4. A very humid 73 to start with clouds outnumbering the amount of suns in the sky. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  5. Why didn't TheClimateDick report on the impact a 90 degree day had on the Zippo plant? Did the lighters die? Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  6. I'm sure the ten people who live in Bradford were fuckin sweltering.
  7. "It's been warm for just over half the last 14 years but did you see me beat the brakes off of little Stevie? He ain't never gonna forget me. I put a licking on him that Ajax ain't going to remove."
  8. Saying 6/14 is domination is like saying you dominated a toddler at boxing.
  9. Yes. East Nantmeal township is right up there on my destination top ten. Up until about six months ago it was in fifth spot just ahead of India in the summer and just below time travel to Dachau. I am happy to report it has jumped over the time machine into the camps and is quickly approaching a trip to a high school in Louisiana as an Atheist.
  10. Nooners: 85°F and sunny. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  11. With the correct amount of training, any flight can be a direct flight anywhere. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  12. You could always either: 1) Fly somewhere cooler 2) Just stay in the cooler levels of the atmosphere Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  13. I am the opposite. My fiance has been going to "Sunday Dinner," for longer than I have known her and while I think she enjoys it at times, for just about everyone else it is a hostage situation. Brats and Brews would probably be a good expenditure of a Sunday lol
  14. Mine too. I'm just too lazy to hide all the icons and folders and shit to enjoy the full perspective of the view.
  15. It's been a gorgeous few days in between the much needed rain. My yard is almost all the way back. We're going to pay for this shit in August and September, aren't we?
  16. Hey @AccuChrisis this you? You do this? https://www.wgal.com/article/tractor-trailer-hauling-chocolate-syrup-overturns-lebanon-county-pennsylvania/61684695
  17. Cocaine Shark was the name of my Mariachi death metal band in the early 2000s.
  18. How many times do drunk ass a-holes try to grope Princess Brooke?
  19. ESPN App starts with "Reggie Jackson," and I immediately became sad. Nooners: Sunny at 80°F. Chamber of F'n Commerce. Second review of the backyard reveals there is no need for trimming at this time.
  20. Slow day on the bored. Everybody too busy doing water angels in their yards?
  21. I think my yard could use a trimming. It rained for about eight solid hours last night. Radiant sunshine this morning should send the grass that ain't dead through the roof and the clovers are running wild.
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