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Everything posted by WmsptWx

  1. Unless Dave Ramsay takes a colossal money shit on me and I am bequeathed with all the corn in Iowa, the only way I'm going to see fucking Norway is on YouTube or in Encyclopedia Britannica.
  2. This dude saying "Once you see Norway" like it's a field trip everyone takes, like going to the local dairy farm.
  3. That show really did touch on every aspect of the human experience.
  4. My damn kid decided 2:00 AM was fourth meal and decided he didn't want to sleep. As a result, Nooners are canceled until I drink enough caffeine to be able to read. These memes of the drunk pseudo-Kraut from a town called a "Baywatches," talking to a car from the White Snake video ain't helping.
  5. It's the arch enemy of pupp airport. Boooooooooooooo. I'll show myself to the door.
  6. You could probably harvest from the sequoia rod Blizzard wood be sporting if the Direct Weather forecast of a quadrillion feet of snow for the entire planet even came close to verifying.
  7. If the Farmer's Almanac had to rely on its batting average, it would have been designated for assignment about fifty fn years ago. Having said that, I believe it is probably about to crush the middle-middle offering an incoming La Niña should provide.
  8. My yard has been recovering over the last couple of weeks but after Debby did Du Bois, even the one tricky spot of my yard that just wasn't coming back as well as the others has come back. My yard is full and green like it's early May.
  9. I officially declare Chamber of Commerce week begun. Y'all better be mowing them lawns.
  10. Gibson and Swatara. https://www.wgal.com/article/dauphin-county-national-weather-service-confirms-tornado-touchdown/61841883
  11. I can't remember many crazy ass times like this where we received like 3-4 inches of rain and then the sun was out almost immediately after, but it just stopped raining an hour ago and during that hour the skies cleared consistently and now the sun is out to where shadows are being cast. Grass is about to run wild like Hulkamania, brother.
  12. It is clearing out nicely outside. I wouldn't be too surprised if the sun came out soon. It's definitely brightening up.
  13. Kinda crazy the hourly forecast now shows the sun without having to scroll. Going to be a gorgeous evening to squeegee the Earf.
  14. My kid's daycare just shut down for the day due to flooding. I've been working all morning (WFH) and have only watched it pour from the window. I may have to take the golden out for a float in a little to see how bad it's getting.
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