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Everything posted by WmsptWx

  1. The thought of this thing scooping up a few hundred thousand alligators and it raining gator has made the last ten minutes of my life pure joy.
  2. It does look like the eastward/southward march Waddams was on earlier has deviated back to the north. For a while this afternoon it looked like the storm had as good a chance of smacking Bahia Honda in Cuba as it did Sarasota. The downside to the southward march is the wind shear they're predicting to come into play may not be as prevalent, meaning the real weakening factor would be limited to a potential recycling. Tampa is looking better today. Fort Myers maybe not so much.
  3. Yeah if this thing continues to strengthen until the overnight and gets to say 190 mph, it may run out of time to get down below 145 mph.
  4. Just got a 902 mb reading from the recon, 183 mph at flight level.
  5. Waddams V again. 918 mb, 165 mph and likely to increase in minutes as a recon flight is in the storm. I am category six exhausted.
  6. 40°F and miserable as shit this morning. I need to move to where it's warm and hurricanes won't chase after me.
  7. Don't let truth get in the way of some red hat bullshit.
  8. The Artist Formerly Known as "Waddams," is now at 175 mph, 911 mb.
  9. At some point we have to stop worrying about those who choose to not care and start worrying about those who do care but are limited in their avenue of escape.
  10. Yeah but it makes Sea World an appropriate name.
  11. Early Nooners: 58°F and cloudy. Sun keeps popping in and out.
  12. But will there still be a farcical D0 destination?
  13. Waddams 155 at 11. The Office Space jokes stop the minute DeSantis orders Clearwater to GIT.
  14. Or as my old man used to call it, "Douchebags Go to Lunch."
  15. Or more busty depending on your use of the word lol
  16. Thats what I remember seeing on YT during a live stream from an Atlanta network affiliate.
  17. Right. GFS had this thing sniffed out just after Helene but I think it vanished for a bit. There's an interesting little bit on the tropical thread in that the trend over the last few years has been to continue to intensify up until landfall. This one is being modeled to get a little bigger and throw the wind field outward while losing steam as we approach. I do fear for what may happen if that doesn't happen. Or I guess even if it does but not to the extent currently progged. Suppose this bastard hits 205-215 mph max sustained but weakens to something like... 165 mph max. What a disaster.
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