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Everything posted by WmsptWx

  1. And it'll be the last fn time I apologize for anything.
  2. I just witnessed sleet on the 15th day of October. You can fuck off and all.
  3. We just had a brief downpour and there was sleet mixed in. What the hell?
  4. Nooners: 49°F with sunshine for moral support.
  5. "Everything that guy just said is bullshit. That's my story and I'm sticking to it."
  6. My cold tolerance has been on a decline since my late 20s. I also don't feel like spending seven thousand dollars on home heating oil this winter. I'll be a fucking pussy. I'll be a shaved fucking pussy.
  7. Good. I'm freezing today and it's only 55°F so it's not even that cold.
  8. I think that may have happened here too. My son's daycare was a ghost town last Monday and it's only a ghost town when parents have to take off because their school aged children are home.
  9. My trash folks only take off on Christmas and Easter. Schools up here are closed. I work for a federal contractor, still working.
  10. Cute little feature of the Tapatalk app: Any reaction to a post is notified to you as a like. Unless the trainer was crying happy tears about a ghost being blown, he didn't like shit. Be better, Crapatalk.
  11. WJAC went out of their way to not say "snow" when he referenced a "mixed bag" on Wednesday. He was trying so hard to not say "snow." I gave it 4/5 Thackaras.
  12. The wind overnight blew down the 8 ft inflatable ghost. Blew the spikes right out of the ground. I'm going to use an old bowling ball to fix this.
  13. Pouring outside. Nice lightning display. I put up an 8ft inflatable ghost this afternoon and it looks pretty badass with the lightning.
  14. Might have been a bad day to put up the 8 ft inflatable ghost.
  15. For all the shit I give used car salesman James Franklin, Ryan Day may be an even more fraudulent head coach. The resource gulf between Ohio State and just about everybody is insane and yet Day is 1-7 against the top five. Franklin is 1-12. Those four additional attempts are likely a game against Alabama and three against Ohio State and Michigan. Ryan Day sucks.
  16. No. I still want him fired. He doesn't prepare for games during the week and waits for halftime to make the adjustments. Had he did even the slightest bit of preparation this week, they win by 30.
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