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Everything posted by WmsptWx

  1. Warren-McKean-Potter-Elk-Cameron-Northern Clinton-Clearfield-Northern Centre-Southern Centre-Cambria-Blair-Huntingdon-Mifflin-Juniata-Somerset-Bedford-Fulton-Franklin-Tioga-Northern Lycoming-Sullivan-Southern Clinton-Southern Lycoming-Union-Snyder-Montour-Northumberland-Columbia-Perry-Dauphin-Schuylkill-Lebanon-Cumberland-Adams-York-Lancaster- 710 PM EST Fri Nov 8 2024 ...ELEVATED RISK OF WILDFIRE SPREAD SATURDAY... A combination of dry air and very dry fuels on Saturday will create an elevated risk of wildfire spread in central Pennsylvania. Minimum relative humidity values will range from 20 to 35 percent. Residents are urged to exercise caution if handling any potential ignition sources, such as machinery, cigarettes, or matches. If dry grasses and tree litter begin to burn, the fire will have the potential to spread rapidly. For more information about wildfire danger, burn restrictions, and wildfire prevention and education, please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources website at https://dcnr.pa.gov/Communities/Wildfire.
  2. If I had known in advance that I only got one chance to change my screener, I would have changed it to something cool like "phatballz."
  3. I quit going when their roster dropped from three Thai gals to a paltry two. "But we replaced them with this Bulgarian dancer." That girl threw me across the street and through the front window of Sheetz. She scares me.
  4. I haven't had this level of immediate regret since the time I reached down and felt the Adam's Apple on the stripper providing a private service in the back room of the titty bar along 322 in Duncannon.
  5. In an attempt to be funny. I uh... I did not know you could only change your SN once every 30000 days.
  6. Stormchaser Brandon Copic is live streaming his show chase on YouTube for anybody who wants to see how the incredible snowstorm in the mountains is transpiring.
  7. Ole Barry, our newest member, looks like he's taking a poop outside.
  8. Yes and your nose is much closer to your colon than than your lips.
  9. You will NOT be having camp fires. They are now verboten.
  10. You have a better chance of reaching D3 than you do of needing the shovel this winter.
  11. Is there a difference? I suspect the weather in Lancaster county isn't or won't be too dissimilar from anywhere else along the southern tier. Notable exceptions: 1) Philadelphia metro 2) Mount Davis 3) East Nantmeal Township
  12. So he cancelled winter with exception to Christmas. Cool. Can't wait for the 2 AM snow maps that have zero shot at verifying.
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