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Everything posted by WmsptWx

  1. I also think a sizable chunk of the fan base just assumes a loss is happening and may stay home to avoid being stuck in traffic angry. Again. Damn shame because I don't see a universe in which State doesn't drag SMU into deep water and drown them. SMU has a couple good receivers, but they don't have a Tez Johnson or Kenyon Sadiq and if the last month has been any indication of how things are going to go, you're going to need to score at least 40 to get past Penn State. Even though Kotelnicki said he's staying next year, a few big games in the playoffs (Boise State's defense is low level awful) and he may get an offer he can't say no to. This may be the only chance you can guarantee to see a home playoff game. Locals need to step up and take the seats that are available.
  2. Wait. Didn't he call the NFL ******* for cancelling and then somebody put 2" of snow in his seat and put a sign it is saying "reserved for non-*******?" Edit. He called them "Wussies."
  3. It's probably that PA Action Weather kid. I'm not sure if he was the 14-year-old graphic designer Mr. Jailbirb was using back during the Scheisskopf und Scheisskopf days, but I don't think that kid has any formal education. I'll tell you who it ain't. It ain't Brett Thackara.
  4. Storm Chaser Brandon Copic is currently live streaming on YouTube from the Other White Town, Hamburg, NY. It looks like my southtown of choice is getting pounded today.
  5. They'll also be amazed that basic utilities haven't caved.
  6. I may clean my house and put it up on Air BnB for next weekend. I'm only 45 minutes from Estadio Beaver and I won't shake you down for $1500/night for 2 nights.
  7. Currently 22°F with what looks like maybe 2" of snow that fell overnight. Very windy at times.
  8. At the time I posted that it had gotten down to 33. It is currently 28.
  9. Rain has changed over to snow and the ground has begun caving.
  10. Is TCC an Altoid? I think we only have two posters here who claim anything close to Toontown... And I don't shoot people. That just leaves one... Bellwoodian lol.
  11. Rain is currently warshing away the snows from last week. Sad times.
  12. I get it. Tuna can dick? Everyone joins in. Tsunami joke? A flood of silence. Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu SUCK!
  13. I farted about an hour ago and now theres a tsunami warning on the other side of the continent. Damn.
  14. The majority of you lot can rest easy. I'm happy with my selection, I'm not straying, and even if I was, I'm not into geriatrics. I don't want to have to explain to an orthopedist why a hip replacement is needed because I didn't realize Llewellyn hasn't been drinking enough milk and the milk I'd been feeding her lacks the calcium she needs to not snap like a wishbone on mount.
  15. Better than their usual screams of "shots!" "shots!" "shots!"
  16. No don't stop. It's like a can of tuna fish.
  17. Just shoveled. I'd say at least five units of snow have fallen but the wind and the drifting is now a major issue.
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