The nice weather is nice, it doesn't really matter when it occurs, but what's messed with my state of mental being these last few years is that winter doesn't act like it should, which only makes me more excited for spring, but then spring comes around and it's three months straight of rain and 48°F, and I'm spending weeks looking at the baseball schedule and texting five other people to try to coordinate a day off that is also a home date to make up for the impending rainout.
Or the time a few years ago I went to Ocean City on Memorial Day and it was 60°F.
It's weird things like this that make me wonder what exactly is the cause. It's not just a lack of winter, it's become a lack of spring. With a lack of spring comes a lack of severe weather outbreaks, as we have had what? Two bad storm days since 2010-11? It's hard being a weather enthusiast when it's just rainy and windy
Upstate NY/Eastern NY subforum seem to think 2010-11 was the last good one for them, so it's probably not so bad here.