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Everything posted by WmsptWx

  1. If PETA is butthurt over a real Groundhog, they're going to shit a brick hwall when Bill Murray let's an animatronic groundhog drive a 1987 Ford F150 in Groundhog Day II.
  2. But don't worry. It'll be thirty-eight degrees and drizzly in April, for you cold lovers.
  3. I'll ask the folks who spend their lives in Stoke-on-Trent, England, because that's what I imagine this is like.
  4. Horst showing any inclination of a storm is a very good sign to me. Let's not lose what we have here and build on it.
  5. HM continues to harp on the NAO going slightly negative this weekend, leading to coastal development.
  6. HM keeps saying he believes the setup for this weekend will be similar to the November 24th setup, which would probably work out for some on here.
  7. Where's he headed? If it's somewhere snowy, I'll follow.
  8. The nice weather is nice, it doesn't really matter when it occurs, but what's messed with my state of mental being these last few years is that winter doesn't act like it should, which only makes me more excited for spring, but then spring comes around and it's three months straight of rain and 48°F, and I'm spending weeks looking at the baseball schedule and texting five other people to try to coordinate a day off that is also a home date to make up for the impending rainout. Or the time a few years ago I went to Ocean City on Memorial Day and it was 60°F. It's weird things like this that make me wonder what exactly is the cause. It's not just a lack of winter, it's become a lack of spring. With a lack of spring comes a lack of severe weather outbreaks, as we have had what? Two bad storm days since 2010-11? It's hard being a weather enthusiast when it's just rainy and windy Upstate NY/Eastern NY subforum seem to think 2010-11 was the last good one for them, so it's probably not so bad here.
  9. I just cruised the Upstate NY subforum earlier and that place is sad. The only thing I'm really taking from this shitfest is that everyone on the east coast has attended. Margusity seems to think a coastal is possible this weekend. PennLive appears to be punting on winter. https://www.pennlive.com/weather/2020/01/will-the-polar-vortex-make-an-appearance-in-whats-left-of-winter.html Btw, that article mentions that it's not impossible that March and April, which has been winter lately, will be cold.
  10. Pretty sure he was born in 1992. He was a fetus when he had his Wunderground blog.
  11. Back to weather. Don't dismiss me like that. I will rise up like Charlemagne.
  12. But the quarry is far. Like, between Palmyra and Granville far. And my 1982 Yugo is finally dead. Please, my girlfriend, she's type 9 diabetic, quadriplegic, has stage six autism, and has debilitating psoriatic arthritis. She also weighs four thousand pounds. I'd float on her, but I fear she would sail us to Portugal. Please. Just some sand. Just a speck.
  13. I've changed my mind. I value my life. Unfortunately, you've bought up all the air, and now I can't inflate my own raft, which is odd because I thought you commies were all about sharing the air. I guess only your select group get the air. I'll just have to accept being relegated to sand bags. May I have some sand, your Excellency?
  14. I've been thinking about this post since you posted it. I wish Zack Labe (Blizzard92) was on here more. I feel like this is something he would be able to touch on, as I *believe* he has become something of a climate scientist, if my memory serves me right.
  15. Henry Margusity punted until late February this morning. Henry Margusity or not, a meteorologist punting until late February is basically bolting a coffin shut.
  16. We're having a pool party in Harrisburg. Come do keg stands and have a go with Canderson's wife.
  17. I'm just going to say: If JNS was able to crank that out at the ER, then whatever was wrong (I will assume for the sake of the joke that JNS was the patient) could've waited, and another fine example of people using the emergency room as a primary care physician has been exhibited. That was a really, really good read.
  18. The torch year of, what was is? 2012? Was it this miserable snow-wise? I feel like it was much, much warmer that winter, but I also feel like I've never felt this snow starved in my life. I'm 34, so I've lived through the big ones and have had some bad years, but this season just feels exceptionally bad.
  19. I'm going to float on the lake with that sharp cutoff from heavy to not heavy stuff.
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