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Everything posted by WmsptWx

  1. If this storm busts, I'm sending you directly back to Baku.
  2. Right and then as the time got closer everyone on the TV markets had an "oh god," moment and had to sound the alarm. Similar thing happened in 2017? I may be off on the year, but I was at my parents house in Huntingdon county and the night before the storm, Joe Murgo's head blew up on tv like the dude from "Scanners."
  3. Guys, the February 2010 storms had us fearing suppression two days before. I just remembered that...
  4. I think their graphic guy is higher than giraffe pussy.
  5. Weather channel with a 2-3 feet swath. Bahahahahahaha
  6. When's the last time southern Bedford county jackpotted? Lol Mr. Glunt, I like your call.
  7. You sound like every woman before a blind date.
  8. I'm basically at the point where I'm holding my chips and determining whether or not it's time to cut my losses and cash out and drown my sorrows in strawberry syrup at IHOP or go all-in like somebody whose about to punch out his wife because the lights are turned off.
  9. FHS' nanny once made me choke down overnight oatmeal while watching reruns of Diagnosis Murder. I was less than sustained.
  10. The International HR Conference is where I lost my virginity. Okay, now back to weather.
  11. Is the concept of a second blind date even possible? Unless you meant two blind ****s meeting up and trying to line up to the hole, after the first date, it's no longer blind. Back to the weather: They're still trying to learn how the Earth is going to behave.
  12. No room for solid food in an all Bud Light diet.
  13. If that's you in the avatar, you look like one of those sociopaths who ate Cap'n Crunch and didn't bitch about the roof of your mouth being treated like its sole purpose was to detonate IEDs... Either that or you've been eating Cream of Wheat your entire life. There is precisely zero middle ground.
  14. Oddly enough, studies show that pissing on Cheerios are the only way that shit is edible. And if you're diabetic, it's an easier way to achieve Honey Nut Cheerios.
  15. At this point given the trends, I would say this is a non-issue for anyone north of US 22 and it's quickly on the verge of becoming one for anyone north of the PA Turnpike. Somebody earlier in the week jackpotted Warrenton, Virginia, and that may very well end up being right.
  16. The Allegheny front probably does a cracker jack job of killing primaries.
  17. That was the February 10, 2010 storm. There was a 30 mile gradient between needing a skid loader and being able to get the job done with a shop vac.
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