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Everything posted by WmsptWx

  1. And when do they punt New Year's? I think it's time to punt the lot. This feels like 2012. I think that was the year we had basically nothing.
  2. And correct me if I am wrong, but most seasonal outlooks had December being the pick of the litter for winter?
  3. You don't get both. That's not in the rules. It used to be. You used to get snow and travel, and then an airplane decided to cut a trip short and land on the 14th Street bridge in DC and ruined it for everyone. So now you have to pick. I'm sorry. I didn't make the rules.
  4. I think what frustrates me so much is, I wouldn't hate a shit winter so much if we just rolled into spring but that's not how it happens. We'll get our winter in April, May, and June and replace thunderstorm season for cold ass rains. There's the rant.
  5. Ji said to somebody in the MA forum that it's not his fault they live in the ocean and I died.
  6. Quiet in here today... Seeeeeeeeeeeeee them tumbling down. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeedging their love to the ground. Lonely but free I'll be found. Drifting along with the tumbling tumbleweeds.
  7. Wait. You drove around making sure the grass wasn't dead? I'd call you the Jesus of the grass, but my Guatemalan landscaper neighbor already took that title.
  8. Excuse me. I am not some jukebox of horrible commentary here. This isn't "Press 2c for AIDS humor," "9/11 jokes are on 8f," "canderson's wife takes it in the shitter is 11d." I'm a real person. With real feelings and real, independent thoughts. And I will not be looked at as some puppet of assholery.
  9. This is like weather forums by Cybill here.
  10. "I'll take my seven inches and run." - Mrs. @canderson
  11. It was warmer on Christmas Eve a few years ago than it was on the 4th of July. I'm sure we'll have a winter... in May.
  12. Jesus Christ. We're already waxing poetic about previous storms from decades in the past? That is the ultimate sign the season is over. I've been watching snow fall for five days now. Am I to believe this is what a stillbirth looks like?
  13. I'll believe there's an 80 degree day in HBG in December when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet.
  14. If it's going to be warm, let's at least make it dry. I can deal with 50s and 60s and sun more than 40s and rain.
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