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Everything posted by WmsptWx

  1. Can confirm in 2003 (PDII?). Was nut-deep in snow. It was about 14 degrees.
  2. Speaking of Nielsen. I think this may have been his last movie, but Wrongfully Accused to this day kills me. This scene in particular, when the train pops out from behind the tree. Jesus Christ.
  3. You didn't have the courage to show Elaine blowing Otto (up)? Coward
  4. Can't get snow in December, can get tornadoes. Congratulations. Lancaster, PA is Cullman, AL now.
  5. Is that one filed under "Suckers born every minute?"
  6. Bastardi is an idiot. How is he still relevant?
  7. Full-blown dusting for me. It's cold as shit out.
  8. I still think it's nuclear water in the Pacific post-Fukushima
  9. On another map, we'd be writing off Myrtle Beach as a total loss.
  10. Goddamnit, which of you are pushing this shit souf?
  11. "Right. Which brings me to my next point: Don't smoke crack." - Lawrence Taylor
  12. That's not me, you guys. Just so we are clear. Edit: But I did give his nanny a jolly good ****ing a few years ago.
  13. As a baby I swam in the Hudson river. I'm good.
  14. No. That's how you get Snowvid-19. The new variant of the contagion. It basically is Polio, AIDS, and radical Islam all wrapped up into one. I've seen it with my own eyes, and trust me: You don't want it.
  15. I figure MAG, myself, and the others in the 80-99 corridor stand to do well Wednesday. My earlier comment about punting was basically my impression of you lot earlier in the week with the wild swings. My comments about Kennedy's fedora and Air Florida Flight 90 stand, however.
  16. This is what I don't get about the continued worship of the Euro. Ever since it's upgrade, it's been pretty bad and the GFS, while not being at a Euro during Sandy level of proficiency, has been pretty solid. We don't like that because it gives us bad solutions, but this "King Euro" shtick needs to be retired.
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