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Everything posted by WmsptWx

  1. 2001kx is in Clearfield. I am in Philipsburg Kerplunk is in State College? Idk why I feel like they are? I wouldn't consider MAG as SC PA necessarily. There's a solid amount of us who aren't from SCPA.
  2. Shit, I need to get fitted for a crucifix now don't I?
  3. Is this on average? Was it really on average 97.4°F this past year, or are you being a fibbing, full of fiery pants, warminista?
  4. How many of those wins were vacated for three years? Hahaha
  5. The Sixers suck when you're in attendance. The sun sucks when you're at home. Can you go somewheres else for a little while? Maybe take a work trip to Flint, Michigan until June so maybe the weather won't suck and the Sixers will hold a parade
  6. *Notices a few thousand new posts* What in the Wide, Wide, World of Sports is a-goin on here? I hired you people to try to get a little track laid. Not to jump around like a bunch of Kansas City (take it from here, Thom)
  7. So, second time through 1996, just as shitty as the first?
  8. Idk why but I pegged you for a 16-year-old like the kids on the old AccuWeather forums that referred to themselves as "Junior Meteorologist." I guess I'm a dick lol. Nice score.
  9. I was about to and then I slid on my ass 35 feet from the Christmas miracle overnight.
  10. Propagate Eastward was the name of my popcore band in high school.
  11. Exactly. Even if we end up being shut out for the season and we spend all of the season learning how and why we are getting screwed (climate change), I would rather we just discuss the weather, and what the various guidance shows us, than look at clown porn 15 days out that reality tells us will be gone in about four cycles of guidance. The harsh reality is we're getting run over here. It's happening. It's not likely to change. The only thing that's been changing here lately has been the date in which the pattern shift is to commence. So personally, and I know I am a vocal minority here, but I'm here to learn as much as I am to make light of this shit and enjoy the weather. My fear of maths is why I'm not a red tagger. So as much as I love the extremes within each season, I'm genuinely interested in the science of why we're getting the shaft and not so much interested in looking at the future 396 hours from now. If I wanted to see a prediction for three weeks from now that's sure to be vague and end up unverified, I'd pick up the writings of Michael de Nostradame.
  12. The only trend I've noticed is these maps go away after day 7. Wake me up when they're on a five day forecast lol
  13. Didn't you say you were in your 50s? You're likely one foot in out the door, one foot on a banana peel with Intercourse, PA. This is a young man's game. And as a relatively young man, I was in ****, PA just yesterday. All trips to Intercourse, PA or ****, PA end with pie. Whoopie, cream, or otherwise.
  14. I still expect all my purchases to be in GEM MINT TEN CONDITION.
  15. Shite. It's always some minor detail like "where" that sends the entire operation over the wall. Whatever. I'm going to get back to spending my time waiting for winter to show it's ass up by watching Don West sell parts of Dale Earnhardt on QVC.
  16. I wish sports would dump the Olympics. The Olympics are nothing more than a corporation raping a city of it's money in the name of holding a two week dog and pony show. The city with the deepest pockets and the biggest dick wins the right to get its ass cheeks pried apart like the Jaws of Life. And for what? A two week exhibition of who can slide on their backside down a frozen water slide the fastest? Skinny Ike Newton wins. That dude from Georgia who slammed his head off a pillar in Torino some years ago loses. The World Cup of Hockey should be hockey's biggest tournament. Screw the Olympics.
  17. Our forum red tagger addressed this last year, I believe. I wish I could remember when.
  18. I can't even fathom that. That would have to have some sort of physical traumatic impact on the human anatomy if it was outside during that two minutes.
  19. I got snookered in earlier in the week (or last weekend) where I thought the brass ring of cold was within reach. It seems that what cold we're going to have is going to be very limited in time and potency and we're back to kicking the can. Y'all can hang me if I'm wrong and I'll be man enough to admit it. My non-scientific, backed-up-by-nothing but being comfortable in shorts in December feeling is that the door is shut already. I read in the MA forum that somebody said Joe Bastardi of all people finally cited climate change. It's finished.
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