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Everything posted by WmsptWx

  1. I would think CTP hoists aleets this evening for the first two layers of county. For counties north of US 22, they may wait until tomorrow morning or afternoon to see if they can go straight to WWA.
  2. Very, very light snow but with little wind and it's damned cold out, the road has once again succumbed.
  3. 11 gradients in Clearfield county. Insane.
  4. Yeah. Saban was a dictator that was actually able to keep his shitheads in line. Kinda like Saddam Hussein. Kirby Smart is a dictator who has control over nothing. Kinda like Bashar al-Assad.
  5. I'll give Kirby Smart this: When I learned yesterday that the game was postponed, I just assumed two or more Georgia players would have collected DUIs or public drunkenness charges. Surprised that didn't happen. Georgia isn't quite Baylor "lack of institutional control under Art Briles," but it's close.
  6. That wind is gnarly right now and it is miserable. Dogs need to learn to use the shitter.
  7. I'm calling for a purge of all folks with Irish lineage and/or Catholic faith. Get out now. That outta free up some space.
  8. Prepare the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for a holy war. Scranton, Erie, and Northeast Philadelphia are about to become war zones.
  9. Usually a symptom of nerves or garbage teams. Georgia remains who I said they are. Let's see if Notre Dame lets them off the hook.
  10. Halftime of the Sugar Bowl thoughts: To quote a wise man, "I am not impressed by your performance."
  11. The cold and wind sucks. There. I said it.
  12. Are you running the Direct Weather channel on YouTube? That dude (how dare I assume their gender) is single-handedly going to cause a weeniecide with his clickbait video titles of "Worst Blizzard in My Lifetime."
  13. JB posting that gives me confidence that I'll be the winner and unfortunately, HR will probably somehow get shafted again.
  14. There are eight shades of gradient in Clearfield county on that run. Let's fix that a little bit.
  15. I'm just saying, this one's on you lol.
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