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Everything posted by WmsptWx

  1. They're "involved." Give it a few runs and they'll escalate to finger play.
  2. Dual season kicks off in earnest tonight and those fn pieces of shit from Tussey Mountain are in town. If these kids want to show their collective conjones, they'd roll the mats outside where the wind is ripping and howling and it is currently 23°F. I suspect the real feel is somewhere between "this sucks" and "f this." I keep telling myself the snow is nice and pitchers and catchers report in like 40 days.
  3. Geography nerds take note of the new body of water in the SE portion of the North American continent: the Gulf of America.
  4. If I get nickeled and dimed to average or above-average, I'll take it.
  5. Bring them here before we send them to Bastardi. My kid does this with Dum-Dums: Opens lollipop. Takes five to seven licks. Done. Want another. I can send him 400 five-to-seven licked lollipops.
  6. So we should begin preparing for the storm of the century.
  7. I already made it clear to everyone I know. If State wins Thursday night, I will NOT be productive on Friday. Tough shit on their part.
  8. Correction: It's not blowing snow. It's snowing.
  9. I am ready for the near zero wind chills and the week-long struggle to bypass 20°F.
  10. Probably 2.5" if I had to say from eyeballing. It was enough to undo any clearing attempts that was made after Saturday morning's shock event. It was more than I expected.
  11. It would appear as if the snow has stopped.
  12. Yeahhh... State College really fucked the dog on this one. Last night they decided to drop the HWO for the counties north of 22. It's coming down ferocious right now and the roads are a total shit show. Whoops.
  13. I'm glad this is a non-event up here. My kid hasn't been to daycare in two weeks because of Christmas and his daycare deciding to close. It's time to go back so I can work. Snow would just make them decide to enact a flexible instruction day and I'm screwed.
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