Wachusett is going to try to open this weekend...
They made a little snow, but that will have mostly washed away today. I'm guessing they can reverse that soon enough and are hoping that Thurs/Friday pans out
I would not be shocked if the net gain in income from early openings and late finishes results in an overall boost in a resort’s yearly income. People will flock mid season if their appetite has been whetted by news of the place being open.
Not sure how one could compute that...
Isn’t it basically just one chair and a couple of Trails? Those will see a long line and a crowded trail but it is a tiny fraction of what they usually see.
edit 4 trails...3 lifts. Still a tiny amount, but nice they could do this
It was a sinister decision. He knew when that band would rotate in and rot...he timed his measurements to take advantage of this...very very unscrupulous
March has definitely more than made up for much of January and almost all of February. Those constant rainers and icing and 80F were seemingly sending this winter into F level...March has brought it up quite a bit
Imagine if that first storm was snow?