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Everything posted by HoarfrostHubb

  1. I hope he can get back out there. But I wouldn’t go too crazy if I were him. darn good skier
  2. I need to try it. It has rarely been on my radar, yet I find that I prefer small to medium sized places. Those pics above are stellar.
  3. Avoid Presidents week. Otherwise mid week it is pretty empty until after the school groups show up around 3:30
  4. I was surprised that Attitash wasn’t opening until today. Maybe not worth it before that?
  5. Folks, be sure to update your totals! Great start to the season
  6. Wachusett opened today with 5 trails...really 4. I think it was a few days earlier last year...
  7. Thank you for doing this again Kevin. It I should really appreciated.
  8. Wachusett is going to try to open this weekend... They made a little snow, but that will have mostly washed away today. I'm guessing they can reverse that soon enough and are hoping that Thurs/Friday pans out
  9. My home hill, Wachusett, started snowmaking last night.
  10. I would not be shocked if the net gain in income from early openings and late finishes results in an overall boost in a resort’s yearly income. People will flock mid season if their appetite has been whetted by news of the place being open. Not sure how one could compute that...
  11. Isn’t it basically just one chair and a couple of Trails? Those will see a long line and a crowded trail but it is a tiny fraction of what they usually see. edit 4 trails...3 lifts. Still a tiny amount, but nice they could do this
  12. Sugarloaf was blowing the mice out this morning. Testing out their snowmaking pumps etc
  13. Nice. They already did a great job with it.
  14. Dang that sucks. Did you re-injure it?
  15. That's pretty sick that they routinely get 100+ mile vis there
  16. It was a sinister decision. He knew when that band would rotate in and rot...he timed his measurements to take advantage of this...very very unscrupulous
  17. Maybe people can put in their reports if it was a 6 hour measurment or ruler in the snow at the end measurement...
  18. March has definitely more than made up for much of January and almost all of February. Those constant rainers and icing and 80F were seemingly sending this winter into F level...March has brought it up quite a bit Imagine if that first storm was snow?
  19. All this and the Bruins won...almost take some of the sting out of the Patriots today
  20. One year we had a couple of cement snows and every store in the area ran out of them. I have always kept spares since, but have rarely needed them
  21. You will never see that again methinks. Glad it was in the age of digital photos, Internet, etc.
  22. This top layer of fluff here, it underneath it is pretty dense and waterlogged
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