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Everything posted by HoarfrostHubb

  1. Yup. Three great weekends in a row. This might be the best of them. Basically perfection at the moment here.
  2. We had one close strike right around 12:30 Woke me with a start, cat went flying, wife was all in a tizzy, asking me to check on the kids... they aren't babies anymore...I ignored her
  3. 44F when I got up this morning. Cerulian skies here in Leominster. Another week of non-torrid weather is suiting me and my students fine.
  4. No thunder in the cell over me right now, but the rain is pretty phenomenal
  5. Holy crap. Just exploding overhead.
  6. Deluge number three underway. The stuff near Amherst looks nasty
  7. Install on July 4th, Uninstall on August 15th? For me this cooler weather is beneficial because of my work. Would love to use the pool, etc. but from now until the middle of the month, I will gladly take 73/49. that smoke is really noticeable this morning to my north
  8. Looked like Wachusett on opening day a few years back
  9. Why doesn’t BOX put the GOES imagery predominantly on their website like those Maine folks do?
  10. Our pool is friggin freezing. I have not put in the thermometer but figure upper 50s
  11. You mean....summer?!?! In....June!?!? Wont ever happen...
  12. Is the death rate this year significantly higher. More deaths but also many more climbers, correct? One minor sidenote, Mt. Kilimanjaro is not considered that difficult a climb
  13. Got the pool cover off and cleaned out the majority of leaves and debris. Hooked up the filter system and pump, etc. shocked it, added water. First time not hiring the dude to open the pool and it went pretty well. Still need to adjust the levels a bit and let the filter do its thing, plus order a couple of compression fittings that disappeared. Saved a couple of hundred bucks.
  14. We will be visiting the graves of my wife’s father (WWII vet) and uncle at the veteran’s cemetery in Winchendon, MA. Neither died while serving. Actually, I don’t personally have a connection to anyone who died in service, but I certainly want to pay my respect to those who did. The cemetery is a truly remarkable place. Serene and chilling, and a somber reminder of those who have paid the ultimate price.
  15. I think that if it is deemed “unsafe” you cannot drive it even with the R sticker. If it failed due to emissions you could drive it and get it fixed. I could def be wrong though red R....black R is emissions
  16. Last week I had the dog outside and there was a group of maybe a dozen blue jays in a tree shrieking at us. Such a racket. I hate those birds
  17. We keep a window feeder going. It is about 12’ off the ground so the bears haven’t seemed to notice
  18. Saw my first one of the season yesterday feeding at some of our annuals.
  19. I was sorta shocked when they first built them. They were only around for ten years or so
  20. Wachusett will be open for a few hours Saturday, which is weird
  21. Little Wachusett held their Pond skim yesterday...the last day of the season for now. They hinted they might open again next weekend, but I wouldn't count on it.
  22. Mosquitos? Didn’t see any here, but they must be coming.
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