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Everything posted by HoarfrostHubb

  1. How we pray. I really thought June would snap after around the 14th. Next week looks like a step up, as numerous others have mentioned. Slow transition this year
  2. Def has not been an overly humid month. Cloudy yes. Rainy yes But not overly humid. The last two days and Sunday sure. It was a great end of the school year as far as being in a classroom. Usually it is gross
  3. June 2004 was similar iirc. Dendy is right about the mosquitoes. Just walked the dog in the misery mist. I doused myself with deet, but she was getting swarmed. It is like we have gone back in time to last August
  4. Next week could produce. The current humid period is just mold growing crap that does nothing
  5. No severe. No big heat (yes it will torch but nothing crazy). No damaging drought We just have Dr. Dews and the Drips
  6. It would be an embarrassment compared to the yards of most on here.
  7. Shrubs/plantings/trees etc growing like mad with this though. Spent much of the morning trimming and cutting stuff back.
  8. Some of the usual spots could be tickling the 90 pickle
  9. Manky. Sun is dimly trying to break through. Def not CoC
  10. Can you recall any specific years where SNE has not had any sort of multi day torch between May 1 and June 24? It has been an unusual spring. Edit...I added the multi day part
  11. For some spaces they can make sense. For bedrooms, etc, might not be the best idea. 2 hose units are better as well when it comes to efficiency. Some of the classrooms in my building have portables due to window design (there are some students who require them due to their 504 accommodations), but they are loud and are not really designed for spaces that large (900 sq feet or so) My sister uses some portables for her dog business, but only in work spaces.
  12. The compressor is in the room... Window units, mini splits, etc have the compressor outside
  13. Just don’t get a portable (wheeler type). Very inefficient
  14. Whatevs. The gist of my post is that this spring has been atypical. If it leads via step up to a typical summer (which seems likely) it will be in an unusual manner. Hope the rest of the day found you to be less cranky
  15. I have not installed...living dangerously
  16. Is it really typical though? I have no stats to back this, but to go through the end of June with no even transient heat seems strange. ORH has had 1 +10 day, May 20, since mid April. Seems odd. Most years feature one or two “hot” spells before July
  17. Was there a similar setup in (I think) 2004 or 2005?
  18. The COC days we have had lately have been very dry as far as dews. But in between have been some decent rainers. So I guess overall it has been wet
  19. I would like to use my pool at least a little before the end of June Not so much as of now
  20. Wake me when I need to install...
  21. I was just out watching planes blaze trais and saw something similar. Neat
  22. ORH is at +0.1F, yesterday's -14 really hurt them. I would not mind some upper 80s... my pool is cold
  23. Yeah. The end part of June has been sort of advertising itself as the first real heat look for a bit. Could be toasty
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