61/59 here attm. If we could just keep it clear for the day...
Seems odd that highs here might be 70F. Looks like one of those days where we Soar to 82 by 10AM. Nope
The mosquitoes have been as bad here as I’ve ever seen them. But they do seem to be waning a bit. Today was the first day this summer that deer flies have been bothersome. Cycles....
Our daughter’s piano teacher recently moved into a huge colonial from the 1760’s. Numerous fireplaces. Not really energy efficient
In Europe, that would be new construction...lol
A few years ago we went whitewater rafting on the Kennebec in Maine. The campground had its own brewery on site...that’s the way to do it.
Sadly, it was a scout trip so I couldn’t partake.
We have window units and will use them if needed. So far, 2 evenings. Last summer, we had them running a ton.
If someone would like to install Central AC in my house for under $500 I would talk to them. Otherwise window units are fine
I don’t subscribe to Weatherbell, so I couldn’t read his blog post about it.
He was specifically mentioning 6/9/53 in the tweet but I’m not sure of his reasoning.