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Everything posted by HoarfrostHubb

  1. Where has Blizz/DiT been? This is his glory?
  2. I’ve seen a few small patches of blue this morning. But pretty much socked in
  3. Flooding of campgrounds/water rescues underway in Rumney, NH Training storms...
  4. Clouds limiting the temps here 79.0/68. Moist
  5. Yeah. A lot of folks seem to think they prefer blue as well. One friend of ours will put a blue solo cup covered in sticky stuff on his hat when he is using his tractor. After mowing or digging or whatever he will have a couple of dozen stuck to the cup.
  6. I’m thinking that deer flies aren’t as prevalent in urban-ish areas. ‘Fella is in the city, albeit in a gentler part of the city I think. Strangely the flies were noticeably less hungry this morning on our walk that yesterday, despite the higher dews. I can’t figure out their pattern.
  7. Deer flies here seem to like the sun as well...lol. The mosquitoes def prefer the shade, but our entire neighborhood is trees. Lots of water as well.
  8. I did not have the latest ORH data, as it hadn’t included yesterday yet. +4.1F. Still warm, but biggest departure is a +9 with no 90 degree temp yet.
  9. Deerfly apocolypse while walking the dog this morning. Must have zapped 10 or more with the fly swatter in 2.5 miles. Lots of mosquitoes this morning too.
  10. Lol...plus I don’t have to make it up. The camp is really an incredible place. Awesome kids and program, plus it is only 2 miles from me. The pay is pretty sweet. The warmth this week so far has been very tolerable. AN but dry. That will change over the next few days, nice signal next week for heat.
  11. The camp I tutor at gets a lot of names visiting each summer. Yesterday, it was Kraft and Gov Baker. They couldn’t change our schedules so they cancelled. Today and tomorrow some more VIPs (not sure who, but sponsors...usually big companies...Bose, Cumberland Farms, etc. or sports teams or figures) are in and they can’t get our tutoring in, but we are still getting paid. pool time on the clock!
  12. Today, the math tutoring I was scheduled to work was cancelled by Bob Kraft and Gov. Baker Thursday has been cancelled by some other VIP guests. I am still getting paid for both. Whooooo hooooo! bring on the dews
  13. Yup. Unless I will the lottery and buy a Sub Zero, I would go with Whirlpool. Samsung had a decent reputation when we bought this, but ugh. Crappola. Anyway, kind of boring stretch upcoming. Typical summer warmth, but nothing earth shattering.
  14. I doubt I hit 90 for a while. Enjoy the HHH if you get it
  15. A friend of ours just texted a similar pic to my wife asking what was up. I didn’t see it from my house. I’ve been busy dealing with a piece of shit Samsung refrigerator.
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