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Everything posted by HoarfrostHubb

  1. To be fair, upper 80s to low 90s in late September is anomalous. Glad it’s done for now
  2. I am mixed on the ban idea. If an adult wants to do it (not near me please) I’m fine with it, as long as they don’t expect me to pony up additional money for medical insurance to cover any additional costs they incur. It is a gigantic problem in kids right now and that needs to be handled better.
  3. ORH had a +16 yesterday. The last three days almost wiped out the BN of the month Now at -0.3F
  4. I could see some spots (the usual suspects) in the low 80s on Thursday. Saturday for sure
  5. Bugs rejoicing now. Send in a freeze please
  6. I was loving it until today. The high dew points make me cranky. Work sucks when kids are sticking to the desks. It gets smellier too
  7. Mid 80s here. I saw 95F on Rte 2 near KFIT. It always bakes there. My home thermo is reading 82 while the car said 84
  8. Yup. Keg had the two of 80+ and some 90s Today overperformed what I thought. Hopefully this is the peak.
  9. July had a +12F at ORH, and a +10 Overall that was a pretty warm month. June and July were a tiny bit AN here, and Sept should finish AN looking at forecasts... Nothing like last summer though
  10. ORH with back to back +10 departures for Sat and Sun Today should be similar. The overall monthly departure is taking a beating from that Now at -1.0F
  11. Nothing in the pattern for the next week or two would suggest cold...why would anyone post about it?
  12. 63F low. Muggy. AC ran in the bedrooms. Not looking forward to work. It will be kinda gross
  13. Yeah. Having dinner on the screen porch this time of year is nice.
  14. Looks like Boston topped at 89F** 19 Over their normal daily high for this date. Warm for sure. Any 90F temps?
  15. My local supermarket has eggnog on the shelves now
  16. ORH was at 79 for their last hourly report. Prob will be a degree or two over that 77 here
  17. Yeah. We were dining by a lake in East Brookfield yesterday and saw a B-17 circling and I drove by ORH a few times in Paxton and could see some of the old planes
  18. Worcester Airport and my House should top 80 today. 74/56 attm
  19. I sweated pretty good mowing and dodging yellowjackets.
  20. 78.3F high today. What a torch. Lol Felt nice. Sun feels great.
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