Amazing how that happens with such regularity. There has to be a greater than 50% chance around each Halloween (say a week on each end) that we get some decent wind/rain event.
I've thrown out my back doing really innoucuous things: reaching for my cat's water dish, shaving, standing from sitting.
Sucks so much. One episode it took me 20 minutes to hobble down my stairs
They have done that here depending on the town. Our town put out a notice that our one set of fields would be closed from dusk to dawn due to EEE.
Of course, the posted hours for the fields are dusk to dawn anyway. Lol
Yeah. I read your expanded post. I know you, Will and others have put up lots of data about October snows.
My little tongue in cheek response is ORH centric. If they get a 6”+ snow event we get a ratter. 2 for 2.