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Everything posted by HoarfrostHubb

  1. Might get my first accumulation of the season here. But expecting 95% rain
  2. A bunch of people in the Hubb/Gardner/Templeton area heard it including myself. It was weird. Sounded like a big dump truck door banging shut. supposedly someone in Gardner caught something in the sky on video.
  3. Off topic, but did you hear a big boom a couple of hours ago? Possible meteorite?
  4. It's much larger in volume... in the warmer months, fewer people are on here
  5. No salting/brining that I saw out in my area of N ORH county It was below freezing but the precip was pretty far away
  6. Just got home from parent / teacher conferences Part 1. Won’t be staying up past 9:30
  7. I legit think this will be a cold rain here. I have been pretty accurate for my hood. An occasional surprise
  8. Still anticipating cold rain here, maybe a slushy inch. Airmass is meh
  9. Wachusett will almost certainly miss their traditional Black Friday opening. They made snow during those cold nights a little while back but no where near enough. Then it rained
  10. Yup. I have a couple of their tools and the batteries are interchangeable. Definitely curious how it handles a N ORH county winter. My old Crapsman snowblower still runs but I want to move to electric. Less maintenance etc.
  11. Cancel winter. I just ordered my Ego snowblower. Arrives on Wednesday. Won’t be using it much
  12. I am thinking December winds up AN in terms of temp. A general +2 or +3 seems likely. The requisite parakeets in Christmas trees.
  13. Around 1.25” so far. More tonight. its been a while.
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